Figure 3.
(a) TWIMS of isomeric disaccharide [M-H]− ions m/z 341.1. The disaccharide ions displayed were deprotonated D-Glc-α-(1-2)-D-Glc, D-Glc-β-(1-4)-D-Glc, D-Gal-α-(1-6)-D-Glc and D-Gal-β-(1-4)-D-Man. (b) TWIMS of Hex-glycolaldehyde product ions derived from disaccharides ions shown in (a) in the negative mode as [M-H]− ions at m/z 221.1. The corresponding product ions generated deprotonated α-D-Glc-GA, β-D-Glc-GA, α-D-Gal-GA and β-D-Gal-GA.