Table 1.
Scoring system of immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of glypican-3 (GPC3) in hepatocellular tumor specimens using method 1
Score | |
Positive cell rate (PR) | |
No staining | 0 |
<20% | 1 |
20–49% | 2 |
≥50% | 3 |
Staining intensity (SI)† | |
Cytoplasm (SI-Cp) | |
No staining | 0 |
Minimal staining | 1 |
Cell membrane (SI-Cm) | |
Weak staining | 2 |
Moderate staining | 3 |
Strong staining | 4 |
Staining pattern of cell membrane (SP-Cm)‡ | |
No cell membrane pattern | 0 |
Incomplete or partly complete (<20%) | 1 |
Focally complete (20–49%) | 2 |
Rather complete (≥50%) | 3 |
GPC3 staining scoring | IHC total = PR + SI-Cp + SI-Cm + SP-Cm |
Scoring method 1, used in a previous first-in-human study, involved assessment by three qualified pathologists blinded to clinical outcomes using the scoring criteria shown here. †GPC3 staining categories: minimal, slight staining recognized at low-power objective, ×10; weak, slight staining recognized at low-power objective, ×4; moderate, staining found easily at ×4, but weaker than that of strong staining; strong, staining apparent strong with low-power objective, ×4.
Complete staining, circular (ring-like) staining of tumor cells; incomplete staining, focal staining of rim of cells.