Figure 5.
Dicentric breakage requires cytokinesis. (A) Cells from strains Lev803 (left panel) and Lvl119 (right panel) were grown exponentially in galactose-containing medium at 25°C, synchronized in G1, and released in glucose-containing medium for 60 min at 36°C. LatA (final concentration 5 µM) or its solvent alone (ethanol final concentration 2%) was added prior to release at 25°C. Chromosomes were separated by PFGE (Supplemental Fig. S3) and probed with a fragment from the chromosome 6 left arm. (B) Cells from strains Lvl200 (6 + 14) and Lvl198 (6 + 3) were treated as in A. Each contained a telomere fusion. Chromosomes were separated by PFGE (left panel) and probed with a fragment from the chromosome 6 left arm (right panel). (C) Cells from strains Lvl237 (left panel, myo1-AID), Lvl238 (left panel, MYO1), Lvl233 (right panel, MYO1), and Lvl236 (right panel, myo1-AID) were grown exponentially in galactose-containing medium, synchronized in G1, and released in glucose-containing medium with IAA (final concentration 1 mM) or its solvent alone (ethanol final concentration 0.2%). Chromosomes were separated by PFGE (Supplemental Fig. S3) and probed with a fragment from the chromosome 6 left arm. (D) Cells from strains Lvl246 (myo1-AID) and Lvl252 (MYO1) were treated as in C. Each contained a cloned telomere fusion inserted by homologous recombination next to the klLEU2 marker in a 6 + 7 dicentric.