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. 2015 Jan 23;15:25. doi: 10.1186/s12879-015-0754-x

Table 1.

Characteristics of study subjects segregated according to clinical status

Characteristics ASYM (n = 48) CHB (n = 42) LC (n = 49) HCC (n = 102) HCC with LC (n = 25)
Age (years) 36 [18–57] 39 [20–69] 57 [27–79] 54.5 [26–81] 60 [40–75]
Gender (M/F) 35/13 33/9 41/8 102/0 25/0
WBC* 109/L 6.7 [4.8–11] 5.99 [4.8–11.8] 5.6 [3.2–18] 6 [2.7–17] 5.6 [3–8.4]
RBC* 1012/L 5 [3.8–47] 4.8 [3.8–11.6] 4.2 [2.5–5.7] 4.5 [2.43–6] 4 [3–5.2]
PLT* 109/L 227 [117–376] 217 [117–332] 98 [3.7–320] 166 [40–382] 142 [35–226]
ALT* (IU/L) 23 [8–74] 47 [13–750] 57 [13–395] 42 [12–805] 46 [11–290]
AST* (IU/L) 25 [12–35] 38 [19–599] 84 [15–329] 54.5 [17–670] 116 [25–655]
Total bilirubin* (mg/dl) 13 [6.7–32] 16 [8–32] 29 [9–571] 18 [8–184] 27 [9.6–185]
Direct bilirubin* (mg/dl) 3.5 [1–8] 5.7 [1.4–26] 10 [0.4–291] 6 [1–80] 12.5 [2–59]
Albumin* (g/L) 42 [38–48] 43 [12–48] 30 [3.3–47] 38 [4–47] 32 [22–42]
Prothrombin* (% of standard) 92 [78–127] 94 [72–127] 65 [23.4–92] 78 [19.6–128] 69 [36–124]
HBV viral load* (copies/ml) 6.65×104 5.53×105 8.85×105 5.94×105 4.05×105
[290–6.26×109] [100–9.9×108] [203–4.71×108] [190–2.28×109] [2040–3.04×109]
Alpha–feto protein (AFP)* (mg/L) NA <5 6.8 [1.26–300] 79 [1.38–350] 300 [2.56–300]
Treatments (treated/not-treated) 61/41 15/10
TOCE NA NA NA 48/55 11/14
RFA NA NA NA 18/85 8/17
Alcohol injection NA NA NA 26/77 10/15
Surgery NA NA NA 6/97 0/25

ASYM, asymptomatic; CHB, chronic hepatitis B; LC, liver cirrhosis; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; WBC, white blood cells; RBC, red blood cells; PLT, platelets; AST and ALT, aspartate and alanine amino transferase; IU, international units; TOCE, transcatheter oily chemoembolization; RFA, radiofrequency ablation; NA, not applicable. Values given are medians and range; (*) P < 0.05 for comparison with all other groups.