Figure 5.
Reduced MEG3 and increased c-MET expression in human insulinomas. A, QRT-PCR assay for MEG3 expression using RNA isolated from 23 FFPE sporadic insulinoma specimens and six normal islet preps showing significantly decreased expression of MEG3 in insulinomas (P < .005). Gapdh was used the internal control. B and C, Methylation specific PCR assay of DNA isolated from the specimens in panel A showing increased methylation at the CRE site in the human MEG3 promoter in the insulinomas (34% in normal islets increased to 58% in insulinomas). Meth, methylated; unmeth, unmethylated; D, Immunohistochemical detection of insulin and c-MET (representative images of one normal and one tumor) (1 and 2, ×400 and 1000 magnification, respectively), showing an insulin-stained normal islet (3 and 4, ×400 and ×1000 magnification, respectively), showing no staining with the c-MET antibody in the normal islet. Normal islet is outlined with a black dashed line (5 and 6, ×1000 magnification), showing positive staining for insulin and c-MET, respectively. Blue is hematoxylin counterstain in the nucleus.