E2/E3-CYP3A4 cross-linking/HPLC-MS/MS analyses
a pyE = N-terminal Glu to pyroglutamate modifiction; M(ox) = oxidized Met; K* = Crosslinked Lys.
b Residue numbers refer to UniProt sequences; accession numbers are as follows: CYP3A4 (P08684); Hsc70 (P19120); UBC7 (P60604); UbcH5a (P51668); gp78 (Q9UKV5); CHIP (Q9UNE5).
c Number of identifying spectra across all experiments. M = manually curated spectrum.
d Number of identifying spectra with ambiguous site localization. All possible interpretations listed.
e Experimental protocol: A = TPAL/high res ETD; B = TPAL/low res ETD; C = BS3/high res HCD; D = TPAL/high res HCD; E = EDC/high res HCD.