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. 2015 Jan 13;17(1):e11. doi: 10.2196/jmir.3979

Table 2.

Main effects of text modality on information recall and attitudes toward the message in people with low and high health literacy.a

Group n Information recall
Scale range: 0-28
Attitudes toward the message
Scale range: 1-7
mean (SE) 95% CI mean (SE) 95% CI
All participants

Written text 126 11.97b(0.46) 11.06-12.89 5.79c(0.09) 5.62-5.96

Spoken text 105 13.60 (0.52) 12.58-14.61 6.15 (0.10) 5.97-6.35
Low health literacy

Written text 64 9.12d(0.66) 7.83-10.41 5.75e(0.12) 5.51-5.99

Spoken text 44 11.42 (0.79) 9.87-12.98 6.20 (0.15) 5.91-6.49
High health literacy

Written text 62 14.83 (0.66) 13.51-16.14 5.83 (0.12) 5.59-6.07

Spoken text 61 15.77 (0.67) 14.45-17.09 6.11 (0.13) 5.86-6.35

aHigher scores indicate more recall and positive attitudes.

bDiffers significantly from spoken text in all participants (P=.02).

cDiffers significantly from spoken text in all participants (P=.01).

dDiffers significantly from spoken text in low health literacy group (P=.03).

eDiffers significantly from spoken text in low health literacy group (P=.02).