(A) Normalized average expression level for gene classes by age and anatomic region. Expression level is calculated as in Methods and normalized across gene class with higher expression levels in red, lower in blue. Abbreviations: Genes: bHLH, basic helix loop helix; Hmx, homeobox. Structures: RSP, rostral secondary prosencephalon; CSPall, central subpallium; DPall, dorsal pallium/isocortex; MPall, medial pallium; PHy, peduncular hypothalamus; p3, prosomere 3 (prethalamus and prethalamic tegmentum); p2, prosomere 2 (thalamus and thalamic tegmentum); p1, prosomere 1 (pretectum and pretectal tegmentum); M, midbrain; PPH, prepontine hindbrain; PH, pontine hindbrain; PMH, pontomedullary hindbrain; MH, medullary hindbrain. (B–D) Genes identified using online Temporal Search feature. (B, C)
Temporal Search for genes enriched in E13.5 midbrain identified bHLH genes expressed in ventricular (VZ) and periventricular zones (B), and homeobox genes in mantle zone (MZ) (C). (D)
Temporal Search for genes enriched at P28 in the telencephalic vesicle. Although these genes are expressed in the P4 somatosensory cortex (SS), they exhibit striking lack of expression in visual cortex (VIS). These genes are expressed throughout neocortex after eye opening (P14 and P28; see also Figure S1 and Table S2).