A) Schematic diagram of full length wild-type (WT) human RanBPM. The conserved domains are indicated. The red asterisk represents the point mutations conferring siRNA resistance. B) Schematic diagram of C-terminal mutant RanBPM constructs. C) Analysis of RanBPM deletion mutant subcellular localization. Hela RanBPM shRNA cells fixed 24h after transfection were incubated with an HA antibody and then with an Alexa Fluor 555 secondary antibody. Nuclei were stained with DAPI. Subcellular localization was scored as either, N>C (nuclear greater than cytoplasmic), N = C (nuclear equal to cytoplasmic), or C>N (cytoplasmic greater than nuclear). Data represent averages from three separate experiments, each assessing approximately 100 cells. Error bars represent standard error (SD). Mutant RanBPM constructs versus WT, ***, P<0.001; **, P<0.01; *, P<0.05. D) Representative images of transfected mutant RanBPM localization. Scale bar: 10μm.