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. 2015 Feb 5;96(2):245–257. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2014.12.013

Table 1.

Clinical, Biochemical, and Neuroradiological Findings in Individuals with Mutations in CLPB

Individual, Gender Family ID Change (aa) Neutropenia Generalized Brain Atrophy Movement Disorder Muscle Tone Cataracts 3-MGA-Uria Current Age Other
#1, m 1 no p.Met411Ile and p.Tyr617Cys CS ND normal - + 10 years
#2, f 1 no p.Met411Ile and p.Tyr617Cys CM normal + + 8 years
#3, m 2 moderate p.Arg408Gly and p.Arg417 IS ND ataxia floppy infant, mild truncal hypotonia + 5 years 9 months neonatal hypoglycaemia, microcephaly
#4, m 2 moderate p.Arg408Gly and p.Arg417 ND floppy infant, mild truncal hypotonia + + 2 years 2 months neonatal hypoglycaemia, microcephaly
#5, f 2 moderate p.Arg408Gly and p.Arg417 ND floppy infant, mild truncal hypotonia + 2 years 2 months neonatal hypoglycaemia, microcephaly
#6, f 4 mild p.Glu435_Gly436delinsAspPro and p.Gly646Val CM +a ataxia, dysarthria, tremor mild tetraspasticity + + 18 years microcephaly, hypothyreoidea, hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
#7, f 5 severe p.Cys486Arg homozygous + dystonia floppy infant, progressive tetraspasticity + + 17 years microcephaly IUGR, epilepsy, hypothyreoidea, mild cardiac septal hypertrophy, nystagmus
#8, f 5 severe p.Cys486Arg homozygous + dystonia, athetosis floppy infant, progressive tetraspasticity + 9 years microcephaly, epilepsy, nystagmus
#9, f 6 severe p.Ala591Val homozygous CS + hyperkinesia, dystonia floppy infant, progressive tetraspasticity + + 3 years 10 monthsb microcephaly, IUGR, neonatal hypoglycaemia, life-threatening drooling
#10, m 7 severe p.Tyr272Cys and p.Tyr567Cys CS + floppy infant, progressive tetraspasticity ND ND 3 monthsb hepatosplenomegaly, leukemia, facial dysmorphism
#11, f 7 severe p.Tyr272Cys and p.Tyr567Cys CS + floppy infant, generalized hypotonia ND + 3 monthsb hepatosplenomegaly, myelodysplastic and preleukemic syndrome, facial dysmorphism
#12, f 8 severe p.Cys647Leufs26 and p.Ile682Asn CM + ataxia, tremor stiff baby + 5 monthsb microcephaly, IUGR, epilepsy
#13, m 9 severe p.Arg250, p.Arg417, and p.Glu501Lys CS ND jittery stiff baby ND + 24 daysb epilepsy
#14, m 9 severe p.Arg250, p.Arg417, and p.Glu501Lys CS ND ND stiff baby ND ND 54 daysb IUGR, mild dilated cardiomyopathy

All individuals are of European descent. Abbreviations are as follows: CM, chronic moderate; CS, chronic severe; ID, intellectual disability; IS, intermittent severe; IUGR, intrauterine growth retardation; ND, no data; 3-MGA-uria, 3-methylglutaconic aciduria.


Isolated cerebellar atrophy.


Age deceased.