Table 1.
Summary statistics of relaxed molecular clock estimates of the divergence time between Demodex species based on amino acid sequence alignments of mitochondrial proteins
Prior on tmrca [Acariformes] | Solifugae included? | tmrca [Acari] (mya) | tmrca [ Demodex] (mya) |
Exponential [10] Offset 410 | No | 483 [450 – 523] | 129 [87 – 173] |
Gamma [2,15] Offset 410 | No | 504 [457 – 560] | 134 [86 – 180] |
Uniform [410, 510] | No | 520 [456 – 589] | 137 [88 – 186] |
Exponential [10] Offset 410 | Yes | 475 [441 – 509] | 133 [82 – 185] |
Gamma [2,15] Offset 410 | Yes | 494 [448 – 546] | 140 [88 – 191] |
Uniform [410, 510] | Yes | 509 [449 – 578] | 145 [93 – 197] |
mya = millions of years ago; tmrca = time to most recent common ancestor. tmrca[Acari] represents the estimated divergence time between Acariformes and Parasitiformes. tmrca[Demodex] represents the estimated divergence time between D. brevis and D. folliculorum. Shown for the tmrca estimates are the mean and 95% highest probability density intervals for each analysis.