The absence of inter-domain interactions in TRBP. 1H-15N HSQC spectra of individual TRBP dsRBD constructs (dsRBD1, red, top; dsRBD2, green, middle; TRBP3 which includes dsRBD3, blue, bottom) show no pronounced chemical shift perturbations when overlaid with a spectrum of full-length TRBP containing all three dsRBDs (black), indicating the absence of inter-domain interactions. Asterisks mark peaks assigned via their diagnostic intensity to the C-termini of the dsRBD1 or dsRBD2 constructs, expected to be shifted in the spectrum of the full-length TRBP due to change in chemical environment. Brackets mark regions wherein the full-length TRBP spectrum is displayed at a slightly lower threshold to show low-intensity peaks. See also Figure S5.