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. 2013 Nov 20;24(2):238–252. doi: 10.1002/hec.3013

Table II.

Effects of income, competition, and procurement, on drug prices: pooled retail and tender channels; HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria drugs, 2004–2008

OLS regressions of log annual treatment price, GPRM and IMS data

All countries Matched countries Per capita income-range countries
Retail channel * generic indicator −0.425*** −0.347 −0.355
[0.123] [0.233] [0.222]
−35.1% −31.2% −31.6%
Tender channel * originator indicator −1.227*** −0.554** −0.520**
[0.195] [0.242] [0.252]
−71.2% −44.2% −42.4%
Tender channel * generic indicator −1.688*** −1.044*** −1.070***
[0.200] [0.295] [0.256]
−81.9% −66.3% −66.8%
Log per capita income (lnPCI) 0.267*** −0.0501 0.100*
[0.0494] [0.0548] [0.0536]
Gini coefficient −0.0161*** 0.0401*** 0.00292
[0.00549] [0.0116] [0.00418]
Gini missing indicator 0.0912 −0.163 −0.0197
[0.101] [0.157] [0.0755]
9.0% −16.1% −2.2%
HIV prev. (per 100K) −0.0006 −0.0106*** −0.00137*
[0.0008] [0.00276] [0.000761]
Log drug volume −0.0530*** −0.115*** −0.106***
[0.0125] [0.0322] [0.0178]
Tendering generic firms in class§ −0.0453** 0.0168 0.00439
[0.0206] [0.0115] [0.0115]
Retail generic firms in class§ −0.00892** −0.00879*** −0.00784***
[0.00358] [0.00224] [0.00245]
Originator firms in class§ 0.0180 0.0494 0.0478**
[0.0328] [0.0448] [0.0185]
Originator present in molecule 0.368*** 0.323*** 0.312***
[0.0621] [0.0832] [0.0618]
44.2% 37.6% 36.4%
Non-oral solid 0.205** 0.602*** 0.182**
[0.0852] [0.147] [0.0902]
22.3% 80.6% 19.5%
Molecule and year fixed effects X X X
Constant 5.664*** 5.557*** 5.966***
[0.611] [0.893] [0.588]
Observations 11,694 2222 5314
R-squared 0.794 0.697 0.675

Robust standard errors adjusted for 37 clusters in country in brackets.

Predicted linear effects for indicator variables including variance correction (Kennedy, 1981) reported in italics.


All competition measures are calculated within country-class-year, pooled across channels.


p < 0.1.


p < 0.05.


p < 0.01.