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. 2014 Aug 18;34(3):207–215. doi: 10.1037/hea0000096

Table 2. Final Models of the Variance in Anxiety, Depression, and Trauma Explained by Illness Perceptions, After Controlling for Age and Gender.

Anxiety model Depression model PTSD symptoms model
R2 change Beta t Sig R2 change Beta t Sig R2 change Beta t Sig
Note. PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder; Sig = significance; IPQ-R = Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised; Adj = adjusted.
* p < .001.
Constant −.56 .582 −.79 .428 −.75 .453
Gender .12* −.33 −5.49 <.001 .01 −.15 −2.21 .028 .12* −.27 −4.44 <.001
Age −.06 −.98 .326 .02 .28 .778 −.15 −2.45 .015
IPQ-R .20* .18* .22*
 Identity (0/1) .14 2.34 .020 .14 2.10 .037 .18 3.03 .003
 Chronic timeline .17 2.20 .029 .18 2.11 .036 .16 2.11 .036
 Cyclical timeline .12 1.82 .070 .10 1.46 .15 .02 .27 .786
 Consequences .14 2.05 .041 .15 2.00 .046 .17 2.41 .017
 Personal control −.07 −1.25 .212 −.13 −1.96 .051 −.03 −.53 .600
 Treatment control .13 1.71 .088 .07 .82 .412 .19 2.63 .009
 Illness coherence −.00 −.06 .951 −.01 −.17 .865 −.20 −3.16 .002
 Psychological cause .22 3.45 .001 .10 1.42 .156 .16 2.61 .010
Model summary
R2 32 .19 .34
Adj R2 28 .15 .31