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. 2014 Aug 3;50(3):351–362. doi: 10.1007/s00127-014-0945-6

Table 2.

Studies which examined the association between community and cognitive function

Reference Setting Method Participants Age Measures Community definition Community measurements Individual controlsa Mediator/modifier Statistical analysis Resultsd
Boardman et al. [23]

US, Chicago,

Chicago health and ageing project

Cross-sectional (1993) 1,665 people living in Chicago 65+ MMSE, memory, perceptual speed Boundaries created by the local authority


Neighborhood disadvantage, social disorders

D, education Modifier: disadvantage genotype Multilevel analysis Inter (APOE genotype)
Clarke et al. [24] US, city of Chicago, Chicago community adult health study Cross-sectional (2002) 949 adults living in Chicago city 50+ TICS 2000 US census tracts


Neighborhood disadvantage, neighborhood affluence


Neighborhood resources: recreational centers, institutions; neighborhood disorder



social integration, civic engagement, physical activities;

Multilevel analysis

C-SES (−, β = 0.28)

Contextual (resource: +, β = 1.81)

Sisco and Marsiske [31] US, 6 areas, Advanced cognitive training for independent and vital elderly Cross-sectional (1997–2000) 2,802 people 65–94 Multiple cognitive functionsb 2000 US census tracts


Neighborhood socioeconomic position

D, quadratic age, education Multilevel analysis C-SES (−, β = 0.07)
Wee et al. [32] Singapore Cross-sectional (2012) 909 people in two residential sites 60+ Cognitive impairment (MMSE) Blocks


Area socioeconomic status

D, SES, HS Multilevel analysis C-SES (+, OR = 3.8)
Al Hazzouri et al. [20] US, California; Sacramento Area Latino study on aging Longitudinal, 7 waves (1998–2008) 1,789 Mexican American 60–101 Cognitive decline (3MSE) 2000 US census tracts


Neighborhood socioeconomic context

D, SES, HS Multilevel analysis (3 levels) C-SES (−, β = 0.01)
Aneshensel et al. [21] Heath and retirement survey Cross-sectional at time 3 (1996) 4,525 nationally representative 70+ TICS 1990 US census tracts


Socioeconomic disadvantage, racial segregation

D, SES, HS, social integration Modifiers: ethnicity (African American and Hispanic) Multilevel analysis

C-SES (−, β = 0.04)

Inter (ethnicity)

Lee et al. [28]

US, Baltimore

The Baltimore memory study

Cross-sectional (2001) 1,124 people from 65 neighborhoods of Baltimore 50–70 Multiple cognitive functionsb 2000 US census tracts


Social disorganization, economic deprivation


Public Safety, physical disorder

D, SES, HB, numbers of siblings and children, retirement, job control Modifier: disadvantage genotype Multilevel logistic analysis (2 levels) Inter (APOE genotype)
Shih et al. [30] US, Women’s health initiative memory study Cross-sectional at baseline (1996) 1,342 women 65–81 3MSE Combined 1990/2000 US census tracts


Neighborhood socioeconomic status

D, SES, HB, HS Multilevel analysis C-SES (−, β = 0.02)
Wen and Gu [33]

China, 22 provinces,

Chinese longitudinal healthy longevity survey

Cross-sectionald (baseline 2002)

Longitudinal (health outcomes 2005)

8,099 people 65–79 Cognitive impairment (MMSE) County or city district


Average years of schooling, labor force participation rate, proportion of urban population


Per capital GDP, Number of hospital beds per 1,000 persons

D, HB, SES, pollution index, Childhood SESc Multilevel analysis C-SES (+; OR: 1.4)
Sheffield and Peek et al. [29]

US, 5 southwestern states,

Hispanic established population for epidemiologic studies of the elderly

Longitudinal, 3 waves (1993–1999) 1,980 Hispanic people 65+ Cognitive decline (MMSE) 1990 US census tracts


Economic advantage, social disadvantage

D, SES, HS Multilevel analysis (2 and 3 levels) C-SES (+, OR = 1.8)
Basta et al. [22]

UK, 5 centers

MCR cognitive function and ageing study

Cross-sectional (1992) 13,004 people 65+ Cognitive impairment (MMSE), Census 1991 Postcodes mapped to enumeration district


Townsend deprivation score

Sex, SES, centers Multilevel analysis C-SES (+, OR = 2.3)
Lang et al. [27]

UK, England,

The English longitudinal study of ageing

Cross-sectional (2002) 8,102 urban-based adults 50+ MMSE Census 2001; super output area

Compositional and contextual:

Index of Multiple Deprivation 2004

D, SES, HB, HS Ordinary least square regression C-SES (−, β = 0.18)
Wight et al. [34] US, Study of assets and health dynamic among the oldest old Cross-sectional (1993) 3,442 people in urban setting 70+ TICS 1990 US census tracts


Neighborhood education and median household income

D, SES, HS Multilevel analysis C-SES (−, β = 1.76)
Deeg and Thomese [25]

The Netherlands,

Longitudinal aging study Amsterdam

Cross-sectional (1992) 2,981 people 55–85 MMSE Postcode


Neighborhood income status: rental price of rented houses, purchase price of owner-occupied houses, the monthly household income of a sample family

D, SES, living periods


individual income status

Linear regression Inter (individual income)
Espino et al. [26]


San Antonio longitudinal study of aging

Cross-sectional (1992) 452 Mexican and 375 European Americans 65+ Cognitive impairment (MMSE) Neighborhood (Barrio, transitional, suburban)


Barrio (low-income, Mexican–American)

Transitional (middle-income, mixed ethnicity)

Suburbs (high-income, adapted culture)



ethnicity (Mexican and European Americans)

Logistic regression Inter (ethnicity,)

Results: C-SES Community-level socioeconomic status (more vs less deprived), Inter interaction with individual factors, + positive association, negative association, OR odds ratio, β effect size of regression coefficient

aIndividual controls: D demographics, including age, sex, marital status, ethnicity, nativity; SES individual socioeconomic status, including education, occupation, social class, income; HS health status, including hypertension, diabetes, stroke, depression, arthritis, heart attack, fall in the past year, hearing impairment; HB health behaviors, including smoking, alcohol drinking, physical activity

b Multiple cognitive functions language, processing speed, eye-hand coordination, executive function, verbal memory and learning, visual memory, visuoconstruction (Lee et al. [28]); memory, reasoning, processing speed, everyday cognition, vocabulary (Sisco and Marsiske [31])

c Childhood SES measured by urban-born, father white-collar job, parents alive at age 10, access to health care, hungry, arm length

dMore detailed results of cross-sectional associations at baseline 2002 were reported in Zeng et al. [47]