Figure 2.
Comparison of T cell subpopulations in PTSD patients and healthy controls. Populations specified by indentation, beside stated markers, are characterized also by the first marker of all antecedent populations (e.g. full annotation for total Tregs, FoxP3+CD127lo/-, is CD3+CD4+CD25+FoxP3+CD127lo/-, see also Figure 1). Values are means of 5,000 bootstrap samples means (a point estimate of population mean) with SD of the sampling distribution (the estimate of the sample SE) in the parentheses. p-values are obtained as proportion of absolute differences between 5,000 randomized group means that are at least as extreme as the difference between original groups mean. In addition, effect sizes (dots) with associated 95% confidence intervals (horizontal bars) are depicted. *expressed as % of alymphocytes, bCD4 lymphocytes, and ctotal Tregs.