1 |
Taxon |
Taxonomic code: In most cases, comprised of the first letter of the genus and the first three letters of the species; if taxonomic designation is a subspecies, comprised of the first letter of genus, species, and subspecies, and hybrids are indicated by the first three letters of the genus. See Table 1 for details. |
2 |
Hybrid |
Hybrid status: N=not a hybrid. S=species hybrid. B=subspecies hybrid. If sire is one of multiple possible and animal could be a hybrid, it is designated a hybrid. |
3 |
Specimen ID: Unique DLC number assigned at accession of animal |
4 |
Sex |
Sex: M=male. F=Female. ND=Not determined |
5 |
Name |
House name: Animal name assigned at DLC |
6 |
Date of Birth: DOB is exact unless there is an entry in the ‘Estimated_DOB’ field. |
7 |
Estimated_DOB |
Date of Birth estimate: Whether or not the date of birth is an estimate. Y=estimated to the nearest year, M to the nearest month, and D to the nearest day. If there is a number after the letter code, that indicates to the Nth value of the code. U=unknown. If there is no data in this field, DOB is not an estimate. |
8 |
Weight_g |
Weight: Animal weight, in grams. Weights under 500 g generally to nearest 0.1-1 g; Weights >500 g generally to the nearest 1-20 g. |
9 |
Weight_Date |
Weight date: Date animal was weighed |
10 |
MonthOfWeight |
Weight month: Month of the year the animal was weighed |
11 |
AgeAtWt_d |
Age in days: Age of the animal when the weight was taken, in days (Weight_Date-DOB) |
12 |
AgeAtWt_wk |
Age in weeks: Age of the animal when the weight was taken, in weeks ((Weight_Date-DOB)/7)) |
13 |
AgeAtWt_mo |
Age in months: Age of the animal when the weight was taken, in months (((Weight_Date-DOB)/365)*12) |
14 |
AgeAtWt_mo_NoDec |
Age in months with no decimal: AgeAtWt_mo value rounded down to a whole number for use in computing average individual weights (FLOOR(AgeAtWt_mo)) |
15 |
AgeAtWt_y |
Age in years: Age of the animal when the weight was taken, in years ((weight date-DOB)/365) |
16 |
Days_Since_PrevWt |
Days difference: Difference, in days, between the date of this weight and the date of the animal’s previous weight |
17 |
Change_Since_PrevWt _g |
Weight difference: Difference, in grams, between this weight and the animal’s previous weight |
18 |
Avg_Daily_WtChange_g |
Average daily change: Average daily weight change, in grams, between this weight and the animal’s previous weight |
19 |
Date of death. Verified date an animal died. Missing indicates animal is either alive or status is unknown. |
20 |
DaysBeforeDeath |
Days before death: Number of days before the animal’s death the weight was taken (DOD-Weight_Date). Missing indicates animal is either alive or status is unknown. |
21 |
Birth_Type |
Type of birth: Whether the animal was captive born (CB), wild born (WB) or of unknown birth type (UNK) |
22 |
Birth_Institution |
Birth institution: Name or ISIS abbreviation of institution where animal was born. Duke Prim=DLC. For wild caught animals, birth institution=country of origin, if known. |
23 |
Litter_Size |
Litter size: Number of infants in the litter the focal animal was born into (including focal animal). Only indicated where verifiable (born at DLC). A missing value indicates that the litter size is unknown. |
24 |
R_Min_Dam_AgeAtConcep_y |
Dam minimum age at conception, in years, for the species from the life history summary table. Used to calculate ‘Age_Category’ as described below. |
25 |
Age_Category |
Age category: IJ (infant or juvenile): (AgeAtWt_yr<R_Min_Dam_AgeAtConcep_yr). Young-adult: (Min_Dam_AgeAtConcep_yr<=AgeAtWt_yr<2xMin_Dam_AgeAtConcep_yr). Adult: AgeAtWt_yr>=2xMin_Dam_AgeAtConcep_yr |
26 |
Current_Resident |
Resident status: Whether or not the animal currently lives in the DLC colony |
27 |
Preg_Status |
Pregnancy status: Whether or not animal is pregnant on date weight was taken. P=pregnant, NP=not pregnant (all males coded NP) |
28 |
Expected_Gestation_d |
Expected gestation length: Values based on DLC observations and reports from the literature, in days |
29 |
ConcepDate_IfPreg |
Conception date: Estimated date of infant conception if the weight was taken while a female was pregnant |
30 |
InfantDOB_IfPreg |
Infant Date of Birth: Date of infant birth if the weight was taken while a female was pregnant |
31 |
DaysBeforeInfBirth_IfPreg |
Days until birth: Days remaining in the pregnancy if the weight was taken while a female was pregnant |
32 |
Pct_PregRemain_IfPreg |
% of pregnancy remaining: Percentage of pregnancy remaining when weight was taken from a pregnant female calculated as (days_BF_inf_birth/Expected_Gestation) |
33 |
InfantLitSz_IfPreg |
Infant litter size: Number of infants in the litter a female produced if she was pregnant on date weight was taken |