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. 2014 Jul 22;1:140019. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2014.19

Table 5. DLC Weight File variable descriptions.

count Weight File Variable Name Weight File Variable Definition
1 Taxon Taxonomic code: In most cases, comprised of the first letter of the genus and the first three letters of the species; if taxonomic designation is a subspecies, comprised of the first letter of genus, species, and subspecies, and hybrids are indicated by the first three letters of the genus. See Table 1 for details.
2 Hybrid Hybrid status: N=not a hybrid. S=species hybrid. B=subspecies hybrid. If sire is one of multiple possible and animal could be a hybrid, it is designated a hybrid.
3 DLC_ID Specimen ID: Unique DLC number assigned at accession of animal
4 Sex Sex: M=male. F=Female. ND=Not determined
5 Name House name: Animal name assigned at DLC
6 DOB Date of Birth: DOB is exact unless there is an entry in the ‘Estimated_DOB’ field.
7 Estimated_DOB Date of Birth estimate: Whether or not the date of birth is an estimate. Y=estimated to the nearest year, M to the nearest month, and D to the nearest day. If there is a number after the letter code, that indicates to the Nth value of the code. U=unknown. If there is no data in this field, DOB is not an estimate.
8 Weight_g Weight: Animal weight, in grams. Weights under 500 g generally to nearest 0.1-1 g; Weights >500 g generally to the nearest 1-20 g.
9 Weight_Date Weight date: Date animal was weighed
10 MonthOfWeight Weight month: Month of the year the animal was weighed
11 AgeAtWt_d Age in days: Age of the animal when the weight was taken, in days (Weight_Date-DOB)
12 AgeAtWt_wk Age in weeks: Age of the animal when the weight was taken, in weeks ((Weight_Date-DOB)/7))
13 AgeAtWt_mo Age in months: Age of the animal when the weight was taken, in months (((Weight_Date-DOB)/365)*12)
14 AgeAtWt_mo_NoDec Age in months with no decimal: AgeAtWt_mo value rounded down to a whole number for use in computing average individual weights (FLOOR(AgeAtWt_mo))
15 AgeAtWt_y Age in years: Age of the animal when the weight was taken, in years ((weight date-DOB)/365)
16 Days_Since_PrevWt Days difference: Difference, in days, between the date of this weight and the date of the animal’s previous weight
17 Change_Since_PrevWt _g Weight difference: Difference, in grams, between this weight and the animal’s previous weight
18 Avg_Daily_WtChange_g Average daily change: Average daily weight change, in grams, between this weight and the animal’s previous weight
19 DOD Date of death. Verified date an animal died. Missing indicates animal is either alive or status is unknown.
20 DaysBeforeDeath Days before death: Number of days before the animal’s death the weight was taken (DOD-Weight_Date). Missing indicates animal is either alive or status is unknown.
21 Birth_Type Type of birth: Whether the animal was captive born (CB), wild born (WB) or of unknown birth type (UNK)
22 Birth_Institution Birth institution: Name or ISIS abbreviation of institution where animal was born. Duke Prim=DLC. For wild caught animals, birth institution=country of origin, if known.
23 Litter_Size Litter size: Number of infants in the litter the focal animal was born into (including focal animal). Only indicated where verifiable (born at DLC). A missing value indicates that the litter size is unknown.
24 R_Min_Dam_AgeAtConcep_y Dam minimum age at conception, in years, for the species from the life history summary table. Used to calculate ‘Age_Category’ as described below.
25 Age_Category Age category: IJ (infant or juvenile): (AgeAtWt_yr<R_Min_Dam_AgeAtConcep_yr). Young-adult: (Min_Dam_AgeAtConcep_yr<=AgeAtWt_yr<2xMin_Dam_AgeAtConcep_yr). Adult: AgeAtWt_yr>=2xMin_Dam_AgeAtConcep_yr
26 Current_Resident Resident status: Whether or not the animal currently lives in the DLC colony
27 Preg_Status Pregnancy status: Whether or not animal is pregnant on date weight was taken. P=pregnant, NP=not pregnant (all males coded NP)
28 Expected_Gestation_d Expected gestation length: Values based on DLC observations and reports from the literature, in days
29 ConcepDate_IfPreg Conception date: Estimated date of infant conception if the weight was taken while a female was pregnant
30 InfantDOB_IfPreg Infant Date of Birth: Date of infant birth if the weight was taken while a female was pregnant
31 DaysBeforeInfBirth_IfPreg Days until birth: Days remaining in the pregnancy if the weight was taken while a female was pregnant
32 Pct_PregRemain_IfPreg % of pregnancy remaining: Percentage of pregnancy remaining when weight was taken from a pregnant female calculated as (days_BF_inf_birth/Expected_Gestation)
33 InfantLitSz_IfPreg Infant litter size: Number of infants in the litter a female produced if she was pregnant on date weight was taken