Figure 3.
PBn projection fibers to the CeLC demonstrate PACAP immunoreactivity. Biotinylated dextran amine (BDA, 10 kD; 10%) was injected iontophoretically into the LPBn for anterograde transport into the CeLC over 14 days. BDA at the LPBn injection site (A) and in the projection fibers to the CeLC (B) were detected using streptavidin-conjugated Cy2 (green). Processing of the same CeLC sections for PACAP immunoreactivity (Cy3, red) demonstrated that the LPBn projection fibers can contain PACAP (B, merge in yellow). Representative data from 3 separate preparations. scp, superior cerebellar peduncle. Scale bar, 200 :m for corresponding tissues.