Figure 4. Colonic microbiota is enriched in polyps as compared to healthy marginal tissues.
(A) Scheme showing that B6 colonic tissue, as well as polyp and marginal tissue from polyp-bearing mice, was harvested and bacteria sequenced by MiSeq for relative bacterial abundance in the various tissues. Fold difference between polyp and margin, or polyp and healthy B6 tissues was calculated and graphed in (B–D).
Relative fold change of microbes in the polyp versus marginal tissue of polyp-bearing mice, or polyp tissues versus B6 tissues, of the phyla (B) Bacteroidetes, (C) Firmicutes, and (D) Proteobacteria. N=4 mice (2 CD4CreIL-10fl/flAPCΔ468 and 2 APCΔ468 mice). Paired polyp and margin data points were used to calculate the relative fold-increase of polyp to margin, or margin to polyp. Significance was determined by performing a paired, one sample t-test with the theoretical mean set to a value of 0, with P<0.05 noted by *. Only values above 0.0020 (0.2%) relative abundance were analyzed.