Table 4.
MA-CORD Intervention Activities in Afterschool Programs
Student | Family | Program staff | Organizational | Environmental/policy |
• Evidence-based Food and Fun curriculum to promote MA-CORD target behaviors • Consistent messages on targeted behaviors through posters and educational materials |
• Food and Fun and OSNAP Initiative parent educational materials on healthy habits • OSNAP guidance and templates for communicating policies to families |
• Staff resources and tools to implement Food and Fun and OSNAP • Learning communities to facilitate communication and problem solving and train directors and staff on developing action plans, setting goals, writing policies, implementing activity breaks, healthy celebrations and fundraising, and staff role modeling |
• Implementation of evidence-based curriculum and organizational change initiative • Practice assessments and development of action plans • Practice changes, such as serving fruits and vegetables at snack |
• Policy self-assessments • Policy writing resources • Development and/or improvement of written policies • Environmental changes, such as availability of cups for water |
MA-CORD, Massachusetts Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration; OSNAP, Out of School Nutrition and Physical Activity Initiative.