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. 2014 Dec 11;3:26. doi: 10.1186/2047-217X-3-26

Table 1.

Basic statistics for the assemblies of avian species

Species Common name Sequencing depth Library Assembly (contig/scaffold N50;total length)
Published (Sanger sequencing)
Gallus gallus Chicken 7X - 36 K/7.07 M;1.05G
Taeniopygia guttata Zebra finch 6X - 39 K/10 M;1.2G
Meleagris gallopavo Turkey 17X - 12.6 K/1.5 M;1.04G
High - coverage genomes
Anas platyrhynchos domestica Peking duck 50X 200,500,2 k,5 k,10 k 26 K/1.2 M;1.1G
Columba livia Pigeon 63X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k,10 k,20 k 22 K/3.2 M;1.11G
Falco peregrinus Peregrine falcon 105X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k,10 k,20 k 28 K/3.9 M;1.18G
Pygoscelis adeliae Adelie penguin 60X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k,10 k,20 k 19 K/5.0 M;1.23G
Aptenodytes forsteri Emperor penguin 60X 200,500,2 k,5 k,10 k,20 k 30 K/5.1 M;1.26G
Nipponia nippon Crested ibis 105X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k,10 k,20 k 22 K/5.4 M;1.17G
Egretta garzetta Little egret 74X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k,10 k,20 k 24 K/3.1 M;1.2G
Calypte anna Anna's hummingbird 110X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k,10 k,20 k 23 K/4 M;1.1G
Chaetura pelagica Chimney swift 103X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k,10 k,20 k 27 K/3.8 M;1.1G
Charadrius vociferus Killdeer 100X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k,10 k,20 k 32 K/3.6 M;1.2G
Cuculus canorus Common cuckoo 100X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k,10 k,20 k 31 K/3 M;1.15G
Ophisthocomus hoazin Hoatzin 100X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k,10 k 24 K/2.9 M;1.14G
Geospiza fortis Medium ground finch 115X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k,10 k,20 k 30 K/5.2 M;1.07G
Manacus vitellinus Golden-collared manakin 110X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k,10 k,20 k 34 K/2.5 M;1.12G
Melopsittacus undulatus Budgerigar 160X 200, 500, 800, 2 k, 5 k, 10 k 55 K/10.6 M;1.1G
Picoides pubescens Downy woodpecker 105X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k,10 k 20 K/2 M;1.17G
Struthio camelus Ostrich 85X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k,10 k,20 k 29 K/3.5 M;1.23G
Tinamus guttatus White-throated tinamou 100X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k 24 K/242 K;1.05G
Corvus brachyrhynchos American crow 80X 200,500,800,2 k,5 k,10 k,20 k 24 K/6.9 M;1.1G
Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle 88X 300,400,3 k,8 k 10 K/670 K;1.26G
Low - coverage genomes
Antrostomus carolinensis Chuck-will's-widow 30X 500, 800 17 K/45 K;1.15G
Cariama cristata Red-legged seriema 24X 500, 800 17 K/54 K;1.15G
Colius striatus Speckled mousebird 27X 500, 800 18 K/45 k;1.08G
Merops nubicus Carmine bee-eater 37X 500, 800 20 K/47 K;1.06G
Gavia stellata Red-throated loon 33X 500, 800 16 K/45 K;1.15G
Balearica regulorum Grey-crowned crane 33X 500, 800 18 K/51 K;1.14G
Apaloderma vittatum Bar-tailed trogon 28X 500, 800 19 K/56 K;1.08G
Phalacrocorax carbo Great cormorant 24X 500, 800 15 K/48 K;1.15G
Phaethon lepturus White-tailed tropicbird 39X 500, 800 18 K/47 K;1.16G
Phoenicopterus ruber ruber American flamingo 33X 500, 800 16 K/37 K;1.14G
Podiceps cristatus Great-crested grebe 30X 500, 800 13 K/30 K;1.15G
Fulmarus glacialis Northern fulmar 33X 500, 800 17 K/46 K;1.14G
Tyto alba Barn owl 27X 500, 800 13 K/51 K;1.14G
Tauraco erythrolophus Red-crested turaco 30X 500, 800 18 K/55 K;1.17G
Cathartes aura Turkey vulture 25X 500, 800 12 K/35 K;1.17G
Eurypyga helias Sunbittern 33X 500, 800 16 K/46 K;1.1G
Mesitornis unicolor Brown mesite 29X 500, 800 18 K/46 K;1.1G
Leptosomus discolor Cuckoo-roller 32X 200, 500, 800 19 K/61 K;1.15G
Chlamydotis macqueenii MacQueen's Bustard 27X 500, 800 18 K/45 K;1.09G
Pelecanus crispus Dalmatian pelican 34X 500, 800 18 K/43 K;1.17G
Pterocles gutturalis Yellow-thoated sandgrouse 25X 500, 800 17 K/49 K;1.07G
Acanthisitta chloris Rifleman 29X 500, 800 18 K/64 K;1.05G
Buceros rhinoceros Rhinoceros hornbill 35X 500, 800 14 K/51 K;1.08G
Nestor notabilis Kea 32X 500, 800 16 K/37 K;1.14G
Haliaeetus albicilla White-tailed eagle 26X 500, 800 20 K/56 K;1.14G