Figure 6. Effect of GsMTx-4 on migration and velocity of MCF-7 cells.
(6a).: left: Migration trajectories of five single MCF-7WT cells over the entire observation interval of 72h. Right: Squared distance as a function of time for the five cells shown to the left. (6b).: similar to 6a but in the presence of 300 nmole/L GsMTx-4. (6c).: statistical analysis of motility coefficients. Black line in box marks median, upper and lower borders of box mark 25th and 75th percentiles, whiskers mark 10th and 90th percentiles, respectively; black crosses mark individual single cell velocities below and above the 10th and 90th percentiles. Grey line marks mean value. Number of individual cells studied is shown in parenthesis above each box. The dataset was checked for statistical significant differences using ANOVA based on ranks. (6d).: similar to 6c but cellular velocities are shown.