Figure 4. Doxo+TNF⍺ leads to enhanced MCF7 motility but ablates the stem-like side population.
(A) Real-time migration assays examined by xCELLigence. Plotted are the average results of four biological repeats. Cell Index is proportional to the number of cells migrating through a hole in the culture plate. The treatments relative to the different curves are indicated. (B) Relative transwell migration values quantified by a fluorescence readout (see Materials and Methods). Average and standard deviation of triplicate biological replicates are presented. The applied treatments are listed on the x-axis. (C) As for B, but measuring the invasion potential of MCF7. (D) Images of a wound healing assay obtained at T0 or T24. Composite (3×3) images were acquired using an automated Zeiss microscope and the AxioVision3.1 software. (E) Cell sorting results based on intensity of CD44 and CD24 surface markers on 30000 cells. Q1 individuates the CD44+/CD24−(low) cells, considered as stem-like. The percentages in the four quadrants after the various treatments are presented in the table.