Table 1.
Eight DSM-III-R PD criteria with the highest correlations with the total number of PD symptoms.
PD Criterion | Description | Item-Total r |
Narcissistic #1 | Reacts to criticism with feelings of rage, shame, or humiliation (even if not expressed) |
.74 |
Histrionic #1 | Constantly seeks or demands reassurance, approval, praise | .73 |
Histrionic #7 | Is self-centered, actions being directed toward obtaining immediate satisfaction; has no tolerance for the frustration of delayed gratification |
.72 |
Narcissistic #4 | Believes that his or her problems are unique and can be understood only by other special people |
.71 |
Borderline #4 | Inappropriate, intense anger or lack of control of anger, recurrent physical fights |
.65 |
Paranoid #4 | Bears grudges or is unforgiving of insults or slights | .64 |
Dependent #9 & Avoidant #1 |
Is easily hurt by criticism or disapproval | .63 |
Borderline #6 | Marked and persistent identity disturbance manifested by uncertainty about at least two of the following: self-image, sexual orientation, long-term goals or career choice, type of friends desired, preferred values |
.61 |