Fig 5. Boxplots for the predicted effects of the various intervention scenarios on the cumulative number eliminated (panel a-c) and false negative animals (panel d-f).
Panel (a) presents the cumulative number eliminated under the annual testing (AT) strategy for varying test sensitivity and tested fraction. Panel (b) depicts the cumulative number eliminated under the annual vaccination and testing (AVT) strategy for varying vaccine protection duration and vaccination coverage. Panel (c) presents the cumulative number eliminated under annual vaccination and testing (AVT) strategy for varying test sensitivity and vaccination coverage. Panel (d) presents the cumulative number of false negative animals under the annual testing (AT) strategy for varying test sensitivity and tested fraction. Panel (e) depicts the cumulative number of false negative animals under the annual vaccination and testing (AVT) strategy for varying vaccine protection duration and vaccination coverage. Panel (f) presents the cumulative number of false negative animals under annual vaccination and testing (AVT) strategy for varying test sensitivity and vaccination coverage. As an example, scenario “AVT:vac37.5%_8months_test75%_se64%” represents an annual vaccination and testing strategy in which the effective vaccination coverage is 37.5% with a vaccine that protects for eight months together with testing of 75% of the animals with a 64% sensitive test.