Figure 4.
lgc-35 mediates contraction of the sphincter muscle. A, Exon–intron structure of the lgc-35 genomic locus. Red bars represent the deletion extent for each allele. Black bars represent transmembrane domain (M1–M4) location. The GFP insertion site is shown. B, lgc-35(tm1444 or ox469) exp-1(ox276) double mutants are more defective in enteric muscle contractions than exp-1(ox276) mutants alone. Enteric muscle contractions per posterior body contraction were scored to determine successful enteric muscle contractions per defecation cycle (Emc/cycle). Eleven defecation cycles were scored from young adult hermaphrodites for each genotype. The strain lgc-35(tm1444) exp-1(ox276); Ex[LGC-35::GFP] contains an extrachromosomal genomic lgc-35::gfp rescuing array (oxEx1291). Percentage of Emc/Cycle (mean ± SEM): wild-type = 99.5 ± 0.36%, exp-1(ox276) = 31.2 ± 1.2%, unc-25(e156) = 8.68 ± 1.6%, lgc-35(tm1444) exp-1(ox276) =12.7 ± 1.53%, lgc-35(ox469) exp-1(ox276) =13.65 ± 1.06%, lgc-35(RNAi) exp-1(ox276) = 13.74 ± 1.4, lgc-35(tm1444) exp-1(ox276); Ex[LGC-35::GFP] = 28.6 ± 1.4%, lgc-35(tm1444) = 99.3 ± 0.46%, lgc-35(ox469) = 97.9 ± 0.79%. ****p < 0.0001 (one-way ANOVA with Tukey post hoc used for multiple comparison). n.s, Not significant. Error bars indicate SEM. The number of animals scored for each genotype is shown at the bottom of each bar. C, Schematic model of the enteric muscles. Red circles represent clustered EXP-1 receptors at the AVL/DVB synapse. The sphincter muscle is colored green to illustrate diffuse and nonclustered LGC-35 expression. Figure adapted with permission (Beg and Jorgensen, 2003).