Fig. 5. FAK phosphorylation in response to density, Src or FAK inhibitors.
MCF10A cells were cultured in HD or LD collagen gels +/− vehicle control (V), 10 μM PF-562271 FAK ATP inhibitor (PF) or src inhibitor PP2 for 24 h. Cells were lysed and examined for pFAK397 or pFAK577 compared to total FAK by immunoblot (A,B) and densitometry (C,D). Data are displayed as the mean relative to total FAK and normalized to the control. N=5, +/− SEM, *p<0.02 vs respective LD control (C). N=3, +/− SEM, *p<0.02 vs respective control, †p<0.04 vs PP2, ‡p<0.03 vs PF (D).