Figure 1. Traditional chamber implant complications and improved design.
A. Traditional chamber design that uses MMA to encase flanking anchor screws (upper panel). Over time, granulated tissue (red-circles) grows along the wound margin and beneath the MMA where bone becomes eroded, providing a pathway for infection, and ultimately weakening the implant strength (lower panel). B. Skin recession occurs in legged chamber designs. Following implantation, the skin is tightly closed around the base of the implant (far left). 3–12 months post-implantation the skin recedes, first exposing the implant legs (left-middle) and eventually leading to larger exposed portions of the implant and the underlying bone and potentially leading to an inflamed or enlarged wound margin. A cross-section of the legged chamber design showing early skin recession is illustrated in the lower panel. C. Cross section of improved, skull-fitted chamber design with anchoring screws encased inside the chamber walls to prevent skin recession and avoiding the use of MMA.