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. 2009 Jul 8;2009(3):CD002759. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002759.pub2

3. Functional or quality of life measures that could not be pooled.

Study Outcome Measure Treatment Group Control Group
Baum 2003 Physical performance test at 6 month. Mean = baseline score + change score. SD was not reported. 9.2 8.1
Buchner 1997 mean change in number of independent IADL's mean 0.1 (SD 0.7) mean 0.2 (SD 0.7)
Donald 2000 Barthel Index (actual data not in paper) no significant difference  
Fiatarone 1994 ankle activity monitors (counts/day) mean change 3412 (SD 1700) mean change ‐1230 (SD 1670)
Fiatarone 1997 overall self‐reported activity level (measure not specified) significant improvement (p<0.05) in exercise group NR
Fielding 2002 SF‐36‐PF No significant differences between high intensity and low intensity groups  
Jette 1996 SF‐36 ‐ PF (actual data not reported) no significant difference between groups (data not reported)  
Kongsgaard 2004 three ADLs of a questionnaire developed by the Danish Institute of Clinical Epidemiology Actual data not reported. The author stated that the self‐reported ADL level was significantly higher in the Ex group than in the control group  
Krebs 2007 SF‐36. 7 people (2 in PRT, 5 in Functional training) reported improvement in the SF‐36 items    
Maiorana 1997 Physical Activity Questionnaire (no reference) self report mean 209.8 (SD 142.9) kJ/kg mean 250.1 (SD 225) kJ/kg
Maurer 1999 SF‐36 PF (no SD/SE reported) mean 50.3 mean 49.2
Maurer 1999 WOMAC section C (no SD/SE reported) 464.4 606.6
Maurer 1999 Aims Mobility (no SD/SE reported) 1.28 1.21
McMurdo 1995 Barthel Index (medians reported) median change 0 (range ‐1 to 2) median change control 0 (range ‐1 to 1)
Mihalko 1996 adapted version of Lawton and Brody's IADL scale (higher = better, not pooled because study was cluster randomised) mean 105 (SD 12) mean 68 (SD 25)
Mikesky 2006 SF‐36 physical function at 30 month (the intervention was 1 ‐ year) n =81, mean = 65.37 (SD = 25.05) n = 79, mean = 63.88 (SD = 25.48)
Nichols 1993 Blair Seven‐day recall Caloric Expenditure (KCalories) not significantly altered not significantly altered
Schilke 1996 AIMS mobility score (actual data not reported) "no significant differences between or within groups"  
Singh 1997 IADL (Lawton Brody Scale) mean 23.4 (SD 0.4) mean 23.9 (SD 0.1)
Skelton 1996 Human Activity Profile ‐ (only reported training groups % change and the P‐value of the change) 3.9% change3.9% change NR
Skelton 1996 Human Activity Profile ‐ Max Activity Score 0% change NR
Skelton 1995 Human Activity Profile no difference from baseline no difference from baseline
Thielman 2004 Rivermead Motor Assessment Significant improvement was found for people in the control group with low‐level function  
Tyni‐Lenne 2001 Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (lower score = better QOL, medians reported) median 19 (range 0‐61) median 44 (range 3‐103)