Methods |
Method of randomisation: not reported
Assessor blinding: not reported
Participant blinding: not reported
Loss to follow‐up: 0
Intention‐to‐treat analysis: NA
Post‐program follow up: no |
Participants |
Location: Portugal
N = 20 (10 in each group)
Sample: healthy men
Age: mean 73 years (SD = 6)
Inclusion criteria: family physician's approval
Exclusion criteria: taking medications that could affect balance, smokers, history of falls, and orthopedic, neurological, cardiac, or pulmonary problems |
Interventions |
PRT versus control
1. PRT
Type of Ex: 4UL/3LL
Equipment: Image Sport Machines
Intensity: increased progressively from 50% to 80% of 1RM over the program
Frequency: Ex3
Reps/Sets: first 8 weeks: 8‐12/2‐3; then 6‐10/2‐3
Duration: 14 weeks
Setting: not reported‐gym?
Supervision: not reported
Adherence: 95%
2. Control Group: not reported |
Outcomes |
Primary: self‐reported disability
Secondary: Muscle strength (1 RM), TUAG, functional reach test
Comment on adverse events: no |
Notes |
Risk of bias |
Bias |
Authors' judgement |
Support for judgement |
Allocation concealment? |
Unclear risk |
B ‐ Unclear |