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. 2009 Jul 8;2009(3):CD002759. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002759.pub2

Jette 1996.

Methods RCT 
 Method of randomisation: not reported 
 Assessor blinding: yes 
 Participant blinding: no 
 Loss to follow‐up: 9 
 Intention‐to‐treat analysis: no 
 Post‐program follow up: no
Participants Location: USA 
 N = 102 
 Sample: non‐disabled community‐dwelling older people 
 Age: mean 72 years 
 Inclusion criteria: non‐disabled, community dwelling, aged 65 and over; clearance from GP 
 Exclusion criteria: significant coronary artery disease, angina, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, cardiac surgery, or significant or new onset rhythm disturbance; neurological disorders with residual deficit; renal failure requiring dialysis; recent cancer with active chemotherapy or radiation treatment; uncontrolled hypertension, diabetes or seizure disorders; recent fracture; legal blindness; major mobility limitations; failed exercise safety evaluation (i.e. resting heart rate greater than 120 bpm, resting systolic/ diastolic great than 165/100 or less than 80/50, or failed treadmill test; English speaking; have access to a VCR or willing and able to use one provided by the study
Interventions PRT versus control 
 Type of Ex: 10 exercises to the UL, LL and Tr 
 Equipment: Theraband 
 Intensity: low to moderate 
 Frequency: Ex3 
 Reps/Sets: 10/1 
 Duration: 12‐15 weeks 
 Setting: home‐based 
 Supervision: low 
 Adherence: mean 58%, median 71% 
 2. Control Group: continued with normal activities , on a waiting list for exercises
Outcomes Strength (Cybex isokinetic dynamometer) 
 Psychological well‐being (Profile of Mood States battery) 
 Comments on adverse events: no ( not identified as such)
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk B ‐ Unclear