Figure 2. Post-traumatic increases in TLR4 expression in dentate gyrus.
A–C. Single plane confocal images show fluorescence intensity of TLR4 labeling in dentate sections from a sham-operated rat (A), a rat 24 hours post FPI (B) and a TLR4 knockout mouse (C). Note the increase in TLR4 staining after FPI and absence of staining in the knockout (TLR4 KO). GCL: granule cell layer; ML: molecular layer. Scale bar: 25 μM. D–E Confocal images showing overlay of TLR4 positive cells with DAPI in the dentate hilus of sham-operated rat (D) and a rat 24 hours post FPI (E). Representative control and FPI sections illustrated here were stained in the same well and imaged using identical settings. Note the increase in background staining in the post-FPI section, indicating an increase in TLR4 labeling of the hilar neuropil after FPI. Arrows point to TLR4 positive cells co-localized with DAPI. Scale bar: 25 μM. (F) Summary data shows semi-quantitative analysis of immunostaining intensity in molecular layer and dentate hilus in sections obtained from rats 24 hours after FPI and the corresponding sham control. G–H. Single plane confocal images of cells from a sham (G) and FPI rat (H) shows immunostaining for TLR4 (top), NeuN (middle) and merged images (bottom). Scale bar: 25 μm. H. Summary plot shows the percentage of NeuN positive profiles in the hilus that are co-labelled with TLR4 at various time points. Error bars indicate s.e.m. * indicate p<0.05 by one way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test. Or two way ANOVA followed by pairwise Tukey’s post hoc test.