Table A1.
All items used in the structural equation model, separated by construct (wave assessed), and indicators within each construct. Alphas for indicators included.
Indicator | Item |
Discrimination (W1, W3) αs = .86 and .90 | |
Parcel 1a | How often has/have….. You been treated unfairly just because of your race or ethnic background? Your close friends been treated unfairly just because of their race or ethnic background? Someone ignored you or excluded you from some activity just because of your race or ethnic background? Someone discouraged you from trying to achieve an important goal just because of your race or ethnic background? |
Parcel 2a | Someone said something insulting to you just because of your race or ethnic background? A store-owner, sales clerk, or person working at a place of business treated you in a disrespectful way just because of your race or ethnic background? Someone suspected you of doing something wrong just because of your race or ethnic background? The police hassled you just because of your race or ethnic background? |
Parcel 3a | Members of your family been treated unfairly just because of their race or ethnic background? Someone yelled a racial slur or racial insult at you just because of your race or ethnic background? Someone threatened to harm you physically just because of your race or ethnic background? You encountered people who are surprised that you, given your race or ethnic background, did something really well? You encountered people who didn’t expect you to do well just because of your race or ethnic background? |
Parental Investment (W1, W3) | |
Par-reported Monitoringb αs = .62, .77 | How often do you know… What [child’s name] does after school? Where [child’s name] is and what he/she is doing? How well [child’s name] is doing in school? If [child’s name] does something wrong? |
Adolescent-reported Monitoringa αs = .59, .75 | How often does your [PAR name] know… What you do after school? Where you are and what you are doing? How well you are doing in school? If you do something wrong? How often can you do whatever you want after school without you [PAR relationship] knowing what you are doing? |
Par Substance Useb αs = .80, .40 | Was there ever a time/times in your life when….. Your drinking or being hung over frequently interfered with your work at school, on a job, or at home? You frequently got into physical fights while drinking? You were arrested for disturbing the peace or for driving while under the influence of alcohol? You have often been under the influence of alcohol in situations where you could get hurt, for example, when riding a bicycle, driving, operating a machine, or anything else? Have you in your life taken___more than five times? betel nuts, inhalents, opium, pot, gasoline, cocaine, coca leaves, toluene, crack, hashish, peyote, heroin, khat, mescaline, DMT, ganja, LSD, PCP, bhang, psilocybin, glue |
Par Negative Affectb αs = .85, .87 | During the past week, how much have you felt ? depressed, discouraged, hopeless, like a failure, worthless, tense or “high strung”, uneasy, keyed up or “on edge” |
Environmental Stress (W1, W3) | |
Adolescent Victimizationa αs = .39, .48 | While you have lived in this neighborhood, has anyone ever used violence (such as in a mugging, fight, or sexual assault) against you or any member of your household anywhere in your neighborhood? If so, how many times? In the past 12 months, was a family member a victim of a violent crime? In the past 12 months, were you a victim of a violent crime? |
Par Victimizationb αs = .52,.57 | In the past 12 months… were you robbed or burglarized? did you have something valuable lost or stolen? were you sexually molested, assaulted, or raped? were you seriously physically attacked or assaulted? did you witness someone being badly injured or killed? were you threatened with a weapon, held captive, or kidnapped? |
Neighborhood Povertyc αs = .79, .82 | Ratio of vacant housing: number of housing units % people aged 25 and older without a high school degree % civilian males unemployed % civilian females unemployed % households receiving public assistance income % families with income below the poverty level |
Neighborhood Riskb αs = .56, .57 | The park or playground closest to where you live is safe during the day. The park or playground closest to where you live is safe at night. How safe do you feel your neighborhood is? |
Life History Strategies: Cognitive (W3) | |
Prototype-Willingness Constructsa α = .89 | How __ are the type of kids your age who frequently drink alcohol? Popular, smart, cool, good-looking How __ are the type of kids your age who use drugs Popular, smart, cool, good-looking How __ are the type of girls/boys your age who choose NOT to have sex at all (until they’re older) [reversed] Popular, smart, cool, good-looking How __ is the type of girl your age who gets pregnant… Popular, smart, cool, good-looking How __ is the type of boy your age who gets a girl pregnant Popular, smart, cool, good-looking Suppose you were with a group of friends and there was some alcohol there that you could have if you wanted. How willing would you be to …drink one drink …more than one drink …get drunk Suppose you were with a group of friends and there were some drugs there that you could have if you wanted. How willing would you be to …take some and use it … use enough to get high Suppose you were alone with your boyfriend/girlfriend boy/girl [phrased so that asked about persons of the opposite gender]. He/she wants to have sex, but neither of you has a condom. In this situation, how willing would you be to go ahead and have sex? |
Tolerance of Deviancea α = .94 | How wrong do you think it is for someone your age to….. Drink alcohol? Purposely damage or destroy property that does not belong to them? Hit someone with the idea of hurting them? Steal something worth less than $25? Use marijuana or other illegal drugs? Steal something worth more than $25? Take a car or motorcycle for a ride without the owner’s permission? Skip school without an excuse? Shoplift something from a store? Smoke or chew tobacco? Cheat on a test? Lie to teachers or parents? Sell marijuana or other illegal drugs? Have sexual intercourse? Have oral sex? Have sex without using a condom? Have a baby? |
Toughnessa α = .76 | Sometimes you have to use physical force or violence to defend your rights. People will take advantage of you if you don’t let them know how tough you are. People who get into fights are bullies. Sometimes you need to threaten people in order to get them to treat you fairly. People do not respect a person who is afraid to fight physically for his or her rights. Behaving aggressively is often an effective way of dealing with someone who is taking advantage of you. If you don’t let people know you will defend yourself, they will think you are weak and take advantage of you. It is important to show other people that you cannot be intimidated. People tend to respect a person who is tough and aggressive. |
Future Orientationa αs = .60 | I know what I need to do to reach my most important goals I often think about the goals that I have for the future |
Life History Strategies: Behavior (W4) | |
Educationa | What is the highest level of education you have completed? |
Risky Sexual Behaviora αs = .78 | With how many people have you had sex? In the last 3 months, how many times have you had sex with a boy/girl [phrased so that asked about persons of the opposite gender] In the last 3 months, how many times have you had sex without using a condom (rubber)? When you have sex, how often do you use a condom? When you have sex, how often do you have some alcohol or drugs beforehand? |
Substance Usea αs = .50 | During the past 12 months, how often have you had a lot to drink, that is 3 or more drinks at one time? How many cigarettes have you smoked in the last 3 months? How much do you smoke cigarettes now? During the past 12 months, how often have you used Marijuana in order to get high? |
Outcome (Resilience) (W5) | |
Physical Healthe αs = .38 | How would you describe your health right now? Have you ever been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease (STD) like herpes, gonorrhea, or chlamydia? Systolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure BMI |
Mental Healtha αs = .86 | In the past year, was there ever a two week period when you….. Felt sad, empty, or depressed most of the day? Lost interest in things? Woke up at least two hours before you wanted to? Slept too much almost every day? Couldn’t sit still and paced up and down or couldn’t keep your hands still when sitting? Felt worthless nearly every day? Felt guilty? Felt like you were not as good as other people? Had so little self-confidence that you wouldn’t try to have your say about anything? Were a lot less interested in sex than usual? Lost the ability to enjoy having good things happen to you, like winning something or being praised or complimented? Took medication for depression? Were so depressed or sad that it interfered with your ability to do your job, take care of your house or family, or take care of yourself? Thought a lot about death? Felt so low that you thought about committing suicide? Attempted suicide? |
Trouble with the lawa | Have you been arrested in the last 12 months? Have you been in jail/prison in the last 12 months |
Social relationshipsa αs = .62 | I find it hard to make friends. I have a lot of friends. I am not liked by very many others. In the past 12 months, how often have you and your Par been in contact either in person or by phone, email, or letter writing? How satisfied are you with your relationship with your Par? How happy are you with the way things are between you and your Par? |
Constructs Trimmed from the Model | |
Father Absent (W1)b | Is the secondary caregiver [child’s name]’s father or stepfather? |
Somatic Effort (W4)a | During the past 7 days… how many times did you eat a whole piece of fruit (for example, an apple, orange or banana) or drink a glass of 100% fruit juice (do not count punch, Kool-Aid, or sports drinks)? During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat vegetables like green salad, carrots or potatoes (do not count French fries, fried potatoes, or potato chips)? On how many of the past 7 days did you exercise or participate in physical activity for at least 30 minutes that made you breathe hard (such as basketball, soccer, running, or riding a bicycle hard)? On how many of the past 7 days did you exercise or participate in physical activity for at least 30 minutes that did not make you breathe hard, but was still exercise (such as fast walking, slow bicycling, skating, pushing a lawn mower or doing active household chores)? |
Employment (W5)a | What is your present work situation? Approximately how much do you earn per week at your job(s)? |
Notes: Par = Primary Caregiver.
block group data from the 2000 Census;
health and STD history were adolescent-reported; blood pressure, height, and weight were measured by the interviewer.
All but two indicators were created by aggregating all items: Par substance use was created by summing the dichotomous items, and mental health was created by summing the average of the 13 items unrelated to suicide with the average of the 3 related to suicide.