Fig. 8.
Signalling through FGFR regulates the morphology of migrating neuroblasts in vivo.
P2 mouse pups were electroporated with pCX-EGFP and 5 days later treated with the FGFR inhibitor AZD4547 (12.5 mg/kg I.P., two doses with 12 hour interval). After 24 h, brains were fixed, sliced and stained for GFP. Representative pictures of migrating neuroblasts in animals treated with vehicle (A) and AZD4547 (B) in 4 different regions along the RMS (labelled 1–4 as depicted in the cartoon). Inhibiting FGFR signalling significantly decreased the process length of migrating neuroblasts only in regions 1 and 2 of the RMS (C). Graphs show mean ± s.e.m. (n = 3–4 animals for each condition, 6 consecutive slices were analysed per brain, ~ 100–200 cells analysed per region); *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Bar, 50 μm for (A–B).