Fig 1. Sertraline induces primary cilia formation in htRPE cells.
(A) htRPE/Smo-GFP cells were treated with or without sertraline (10 μM) for 24 hr. Then, the cells were imaged by confocal microscopy. Arrows indicate the primary cilia (Scale bars: 10 μm). (B and C) htRPE/Smo-GFP cells were treated with sertraline (10 μM) or cytochalasin D (50 nM). The increased ciliated cells and the cilium length of the cells were measured. (D) htRPE cells treated with sertraline (10 μM) were stained with anti-polyglutamylated tubulin antibody. Arrows indicate the primary cilia (Scale bars: 10 μm). (E) htRPE/Smo-GFP cells pre-treated with ciliobrevine A1 (Cilio A) (10 μM) for 1 h were further exposed to sertraline (10 μM) for 24 h. Then the ciliated cells were counted under a fluorescence microscope. Data were obtained from at least three independent experiments and values are presented as the means ± S.E.M. (n = 3, * p < 0.02)