FIG 5.
Y57A Cj1386 can be reconstituted with hemin and displays 1:1 hemin-binding stoichiometry. (A) Absorption spectra of Cj1386Y57A when titrated with hemin at 1 μM increments against 10 μM apo-Cj1386Y57A in 100 mM NaCl, 20 mM Tris, pH 7.4. Arrows represent the direction of increased absorbance readings upon hemin addition. (B and C) Differential absorption spectra of Cj1386Y57A at Soret peaks at 372 nm and 412 nm. The dashed line represents the concentration of Cj1386Y57A and hemin that yield a 1:1 heme-to-Cj1386Y57A binding ratio. Error bars represent the standard errors as determined from hemin titration from 2 independent protein purifications.