Response of a mixture of rumen protozoa and bacteria to a pulse dose of glucose at 20 min. Data are from cow 491 and represent 1 experiment per concentration of glucose; 3 other cows (representing 3 additional experiments per concentration of glucose) had similar responses (data not shown). (A and B) Glucose in media. (C and D) Cell protein of protozoa and bacteria. (E and F) Fermentation products, including acetate (Ac), methane (CH4), propionate (Pr), butyrate and isobutyrate (But + IBut), valerate and isovalerate (Val + IVal), and lactate (Lac). Mixtures of protozoa and bacteria were prepared and harvested according to the flowchart shown in Fig. 1. Reserve carbohydrate accumulation is shown in Fig. 3. Each datum point represents one sample replicated in triplicate.