Fig. 5.
Notch is necessary to establish class II endocrine cells. (A-T) Mosaic analysis of Notch using MARCM; representative clones are highlighted by dotted lines. (A-D) General endocrine markers, 7 days after induction. (A) Anti-GFP, green; phalloidin, red, staining F-actin (muscle). (B) Anti-Pros, red. (C) Anti-Brp, red. (D) Anti-Phm, red. (E-T) Distribution of neuropeptides in Notch clones, 5 days after induction. Clones on left in paired micrographs, green. Asterisks, internal controls. (E-L) Region 2. (F,H) Anti-AstA, red; anti-Tk, green. Endocrine cell morphology is evident in cross-section. (I-M,O,Q,S) Anti-Pros, red. (J,L) Anti-DH31, green. Note the absence of DH31+ cells within the clone. (M-T) Region 1. (N,P) Anti-AstC, red. (R,T) Anti-AstB, red. Scale bars: 10 µm.