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. 2015 Jan 7;30(3):701–709. doi: 10.1093/humrep/deu350

Table I.

Characteristics of the study population and association with TTP: the Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals (MIREC) study.

Continuous variables n Mean (SD)a Median Minimum Maximum P value**
Maternal age (years) 1743 32.83 (4.96) 32.74 18.34 46.35 <0.001
Paternal age (years) 1510 34.78 (5.68) 34.51 18.66 58.74 <0.001
Age difference (years) 1510 1.80 (3.98) 1.00 −15 26 0.18
Gestational age (weeks) 1741 12 (1.52) 12.43 6 14 0.19
Categorical variables n % TTP (months)
Mean (SD)a Median (p25–p75)
 Some college or less 236 13.5 5.8 (12.8) 1 (1–5) 0.46
 College diploma 399 22.9 5.2 (8.9) 2 (1–5)
 Undergraduate 644 37.0 5.7 (12.2) 2 (1–5)
 Graduate (MSc PhD) 464 26.6 4.3 (6.4) 2 (1–4)
Country of birth
 Canada 1412 81.0 5.3 (10.8) 2 (1–5) 0.93
 USA 27 1.5 4.7 (6.4) 2 (1–6)
 Mexico 8 0.5 5.1 (4.8) 4.5 (1–9)
 China 17 1.0 3.8 (4.8) 1 (1–5)
 Other 279 16.0 5.1 (8.4) 2 (1–6)
Household income
 <$60 000 361 20.7 4.5 (10.1) 2 (1–4) 0.06
 $60 001–100 000 609 35.0 5.2 (9.9) 2 (1–5)
 >$100 000 691 39.6 5.7 (10.7) 2 (1–6)
 No response 82 4.7 5.2 (10.9) 2 (1–4)
Parity conditional on gravidity
 No prior pregnancy 501 28.8 6.5 (13.7) 2 (1–6) <0.001
 Prior pregnancy without live birth(s) 270 15.5 6.8 (12.1) 2 (1–6)
 Prior pregnancy with live birth(s) 971 55.7 4.2 (7.2) 2 (1–4)
Maternal smoking
 Never 1077 62.9 5.1 (8.9) 2 (1–5) 0.85
 Former 392 22.5 5.3 (11.8) 2 (1–5)
 Currentb 272 15.6 5.7 (13.1) 2 (1–4)
Pre-pregnancy BMI (kg/m2)
 <24.9 1034 63.6 4.9 (9.6) 2 (1–5) 0.003
 25–29.9 355 21.9 5.2 (11.4) 2 (1–4)
 >30 236 14.5 6.7 (11.3) 3 (1–7)
Current paternal smoking
 No 1217 83.0 5.2 (9.9) 2 (1–5) 0.83
 Yes 249 17.0 5.6 (12.0) 2 (1–5)

BMI, body mass index.

aArithmetic mean and SD.

bWomen who stopped during pregnancy or 1 year before.

**P-values for the association with TTP: likelihood ratio for continuous variables, log-rank test for categorical variables.