Study | Design (sample size) | Type of pain | Duration of pain, months, mean ± SD | Age, years, mean ± SD | Gender, M/F, n/n | Measure of coping/pain management | Measure of patient functioning | Methodological quality score, % |
Bergström et al (43), 1999 | Cross-sectional (n=235) | Long-term nonspecific low back pain and/or neck pain | 32.5±58.7 M: 28.1±56.7 F: 36.0±60.2 |
43.6±10.3 M: 44.8±10.8 F: 42.6±9.8 |
106/129 | CSQ-CAT | MPI-S DRI PILE |
71.43 |
Edwards et al (46), 2000 | Cross-sectional (n=215) | Chronic pain | 58.8±61.2 M: 61.9±70.4 F: 56.2±70.1 |
42.9±10.9 M: 41.7±10.3 F: 44.1±11.3 |
101/114 | CSQ | MPI | 71.43 |
Hirsh et al (48), 2011 | Cross-sectional (n=248) | Chronic pain secondary to a disability (SCI and MS) >3 months | – | SCI: 48.49±11.84 MS: 50.85±10.79 |
120/128 SCI: 89/35 MS: 31/93 |
CSQ-CAT | BPI (mod) Pain Interference Scale |
85.71 |
Keefe et al (44), 2000 | Cross-sectional (n=168) | Chronic pain due to osteoarthritis of the knees | – | 60.88±10.75 M: 62.60±10.90 F: 59.58±10.52 (range 27–83) |
72/96 | CSQ-CAT | AIMS | 78.57 |
Koopman et al (42), 2004 | Prospective cohort study (n=51) | Chronic low back pain >6 months | 76.5±102.6 (range 6–545) | 41.7±8.5 | 30/21 | CSQ | QBPDS Sit-and-reach RTW |
57.14 |
Smith et al (47), 2002 | Cross-sectional (n=80) | Chronic myofascial pain >6 months | 136.56±91.32 (range 6–420) | 48.67±11.82 (range 24–86) | 20/60 | EAC VMPCI |
WHYMPI | 71.43 |
Wijnhofen et al (45), 2007 | Cross-sectional (n=2517) | Chronic musculoskeletal pain >3 months | – | M: 55.7 F: 52.0 (range 25–64) |
1070/1447 | PCS | SQUASH | 71.43 |
AIMS Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale; BPI Brief Pain Inventory; CSQ Coping Strategies Questionnaire; CSQ-CAT Catastrophizing Subscale of the CSQ; DRI Disability Rating Index; EAC Emotional Approach Coping Scale; F Female; M Male; MPI Multidimensional Pain Inventory; MPI-S MPI – Swedish Version; MS Multiple Sclerosis; PCS Pain Catastrophizing Scale; PILE Progressive Isoinertial Lifting Evaluation; QBPDS Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale; RTW Return to Work; SCI Spinal Cord Injury; SQUASH Short Questionnaire to Assess Health-Enhancing Physical Activity; VMPCI Vanderbilt Multidimensional Pain Coping Inventory; WHYMPI The West-Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory