Figure 2.
Hypothalamic miRNAs control energy balance. (A) Divergent effects of Dicer deletion on survival of hypothalamic neurons. Loss of Dicer in POMC neurons during embryonic development does not interfere with neuronal lineage establishment but leads to post-natal neurodegeneration. In contrast, lack of Dicer in the adult does not interfere with POMC neuron viability. Both experimental manipulations cause hyperphagia and obesity in mice, although the underlying mechanisms are different. (B) Proposed mechanisms of action of miR-200a and miR-103 in neuronal insulin and leptin signaling pathways. This graphical summary is based on reports by Schneeberger et al. (2012), Greenman et al. (2013), Crepin et al. (2014) and Vinnikov et al. (2014). InsR, insulin receptor; LepR, leptin receptor.