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. 2015 Feb 7;15:52. doi: 10.1186/s12913-015-0686-6

Table 1.

Mean volume (number of physical therapy sessions per treatment episode) according to patient, physiotherapist and referring physician characteristics in the source and studied population

Source population Studied population a
N (%) or mean value of the category Mean volume (SD) N (%) or mean value of the category Mean volume (SD)
Variables N = 169,305 12.1 (11.9) N = 87,866 11.7 (10.8)
Patient factors
Age (years)
 <18 10,667 (6%) 8.9 (8.3) 6,928 (8%) 8.5 (7.0)
 19-39 30,998 (18%) 10.3 (9.5) 18,546 (21%) 9.8 (8.0)
 40-59 59,987 (35%) 12.1 (11.4) 31,150 (35%) 11.7 (10.1)
 60-79 52,318 (31%) 13.1 (12.6) 24,241 (28%) 13.0 (11.9)
 80+ 15,335 (9%) 14.8 (16.4) 7,001 (8%) 14.8 (16.0)
 Male 62,869 (37%) 11.8 (11.9) 35,472 (40%) 11.3 (10.6)
 Female 106,436 (63%) 12.3 (12.0) 52,394 (60%) 11.9 (10.9)
Nature of the main condition
 Neurological disease 6,086 (4%) 17.5 (22.2) 2,336 (3%) 16.9 (21.4)
 Shoulder surgeryb 1,722 (1%) 16.9 (14.4) 337 (0%) 19.0 (15.8)
 Muscle diseaseb 1,112 (1%) 14.8 (14.4) 331 (0%) 15.3 (14.7)
 Other hip surgeryb 1,827 (1%) 14.6 (13.3) 489 (1%) 13.9 (12.3)
 Knee prosthesisb 3,363 (2%) 14.4 (12.7) 661 (1%) 16.9 (13.7)
 Rehabilitation 863 (1%) 14.4 (17.0) 285 (0%) 12.5 (11.2)
 Hip prosthesisb 4,553 (3%) 13.6 (12.3) 848 (1%) 13.9 (12.2)
 Other orthopedicsb 3,055 (2%) 13.6 (13.1) 1,629 (2%) 13.4 (14.4)
 Backb 8,563 (5%) 13.5 (13.6) 2,388 (3%) 13.6 (14.3)
 Osteoporosisb 5,701 (3%) 13.4 (13.2) 2,474 (3%) 13.6 (12.2)
 Cancer 3,178 (2%) 13.1 (13.4) 1,421 (2%) 13.2 (14.2)
 Traumab 4,947 (3%) 13.0 (13.6) 2,111 (2%) 12.5 (12.1)
 Lymphatic and breast disease 1,587 (1%) 13.0 (12.9) 600 (1%) 12.4 (11.4)
 Kneeb 469 (0%) 12.6 (9.2) 173 (0%) 13.4 (10.4)
 Rheumatologyb 7,887 (5%) 12.3 (11.7) 3675 (4%) 12.4 (11.3)
 Psychiatry 34,242 (20%) 12.3 (11.8) 17,588 (20%) 12.3 (11.5)
 Other (medical) 41,592 (25%) 11.0 (9.7) 25,764 (29%) 10.9 (9.0)
 Surgery 5,529 (3%) 10.8 (9.0) 3,203 (4%) 10.3 (7.6)
 Any of above 33,029 (20%) 10.7 (9.7) 21,553 (25%) 10.4 (8.3)
Comorbidity burden (annual health care costs, mean in 103 CHF)
 <1000 27,242 (16%) 10.3 (8.8) 22,319 (25%) 10.1 (8.1)
 1001-2000 20,062 (12%) 10.5 (8.3) 13,754 (16%) 10.4 (7.9)
 2001-5000 44,321 (26%) 11.2 (8.9) 24,725 (28%) 11.3 (8.6)
 5001-10000 36,000 (21%) 12.2 (10.6) 14,805 (17%) 12.5 (10.5)
 10001-20000 24,169 (14%) 13.4 (13.0) 7,451 (8%) 14.1 (13.8)
 20001-50000 13,626 (8%) 16.1 (18.5) 3,747 (4%) 16.8 (19.2)
 >50000 3,885 (2%) 22.3 (30.1) 1,065 (1%) 24.5 (32.8)
 <=300 98,499 (58%) 12.4 (12.6) 50764 (58%) 11.9 (11.4)
 301-600 55,734 (33%) 12.2 (11.3) 27582 (31%) 11.7 (10.4)
 601-1500 11,984 (7%) 10.4 (8.6) 7484 (9%) 10.1 (7.5)
 >1500 3,088 (2%) 10.0 (9.5) 2036 (2%) 9.6 (8.3)
Large city residencec
 No 104,960 (62%) 12.0 (11.8) 55680 (63%) 11.5 (10.7)
 Yes 64,345 (38%) 12.4 (12.0) 32186 (37%) 11.9 (10.9)
Number of physicians per patient
 1 98,864 (58%) 11.7 (10.9) 84231 (96%) 11.6 (10.6)
 2 45,346 (27%) 12.6 (12.9) 3633 (4%) 12.6 (13.6)
 >2 25,095 (15%) 13.1 (13.7) 2 (0%) 5.5 (3.5)
Number of physiotherapists per patient
 1 116,868 (69%) 12.1 (11.7) 85332(97%) 11.6 (10.7)
 2 39,471 (23%) 12.3 (12.3) 2426 (3%) 12.8 (11.8)
>2 12,966 (8%) 12.0 (12.4) 108 (0%) 13.4 (12.7)
Physician factors
Proportion of treatments by physician as a nine-session episode by quintiles rank
 1st 22% 10.5 (11.8) 21% 9.8 (10.1)
 2nd 49% 11.1 (11.2) 48% 10.6 (10.3)
 3rd 63% 12.4 (12.5) 63% 11.9 (11.3)
 4th 73% 13.3 (12.0) 73% 12.8 (11.0)
 5th 86% 13.4 (11.9) 85% 13.2 (10.7)
Proportion of new treatments by physician by quintiles rank
 1st 48% 15.2 (16.8) 50% 14.3 (15.2)
 2nd 60% 12.7 (12.0) 61% 12.0 (10.6)
 3rd 65% 11.7 (10.5) 66% 11.5 (9.9)
 4th 71% 11.3 (9.8) 72% 10.9 (8.7)
 5th 81% 9.8 (7.6) 81% 9.6 (7.1)
Variation coefficient of the physician (by quintiles rank)d
 1st 0.45 10.3 (5.8) 0.38 9.9 (4.7)
 2nd 0.65 11.4 (7.8) 0.56 10.8 (6.7)
 3rd 0.76 11.6 (9.4) 0.67 11.6 (8.3)
 4th 0.88 13.0 (12.1) 0.80 11.9 (10.1)
 5th 1.19 14.5 (19.3) 1.14 14.1 (18.2)
Physiotherapist factors
Proportion of treatments by physiotherapist as a nine-session episode by quintiles rank
 1st 29% 11.0 (12.6) 30% 10.2 (11.2)
 2nd 46% 11.2 (11.1) 47% 10.8 (10.4)
 3rd 56% 12.0 (11.4) 56% 11.4 (10.0)
 4th 68% 12.8 (12.3) 68% 12.4 (10.7)
 5th 84% 13.8 (11.9) 84% 13.5 (11.1)
Proportion of new treatments by physiotherapist by quintiles rank
 1st 49% 14.9 (16.9) 51% 14.2 (15.0)
 2nd 60% 12.6 (11.7) 61% 12.0 (10.5)
 3rd 66% 11.8 (10.8) 51% 14.2 (10.0)
 4th 71% 11.0 (9.4) 61% 12.0 (8.6)
 5th 80% 10.3 (8.4) 67% 11.5 (7.7)
Variation coefficient of the physiotherapist (by quintiles rank)e
 1st 0.53 10.8 (6.4) 0.46 10.4 (5.6)
 2nd 0.68 11.4 (8.2) 0.61 10.7 (7.0)
 3rd 0.78 11.7 (9.6) 0.70 11.4 (8.4)
 4th 0.89 12.5 (11.8) 0.81 11.7 (9.9)
 5th 1.20 14.3 (19.1) 1.13 14.1 (18.0)

aRestricted to the first treatment episode per patient and patients treated by a physiotherapist and a physician with at least two observations (allowing a value of the coefficient of variation).

bReferred to as musculoskeletal conditions in the manuscript.

cIn one of the 62 largest cities.

dN = 167,196 because of missing values of the coefficient of variation.

eN = 168,979 because of missing values of the coefficient of variation.