Figure 3.
Arf6 activation is required for internalization of E-cadherin by EGF. (A) MCF-7 cells were treated with EGF (50 ng/mL) for up to 60 min, and Arf6 activation were determined by pulldown assay. **: P < 0.01, referring to the difference between cells treated with and those without EGF. (B) Expression of biotin-labeled E-cadherin was determined by internalization assays in the MCF-7 cells transiently transfected with empty vector or Arf6-T27N. Representative Western blots from 3 independent experiments are shown. **: P < 0.01, referring to the difference between cells treated with and those without EGF. ##: P < 0.01, referring to the difference between cells transfected with Arf6–T27N plus EGF and the cells transfected with empty vector plus EGF.