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. 2014 Dec 6;3:142. doi: 10.1186/2046-4053-3-142

Table 1.

Demographic data for 32 randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of individualised homeopathy

# First author Year Category Condition Participants’ demographics Study setting Potency ≥12C/ 24D Funding source Free of vested interest a
A01 Andrade 1991 Rheumatology Rheumatoid arthritis Patients with active RA and fulfilling at least three pre-defined criteria Rheumatic disease outpatient clinic, Escola Paulista de Medicina, São Paulo, Brazil Mixed None stated U
A05 Bell 2004 Rheumatology Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia patients Private clinic in the USA Mixed External (government) Y
A06 Bonne 2003 Mental disorder Anxiety Adults aged 18–65 years, of either sex, suffering from anxiety as defined by standard psychometric criteria Department of Psychiatry, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel Y None stated U
A07 Brien 2011 Rheumatology Rheumatoid arthritis Adults formally diagnosed with RA for at least 2 years, who had relatively stable disease but some disease activity on entry Rheumatology outpatient departments at three hospitals, UK U National Institute of Health Research; Samueli Institute, USA; Southampton Complementary Medicine Research Trust; Rufford Maurice Laing Foundation; Dreluso Pharmazeutika GmBH; National Health Service Fund for Science Y
A09 Cavalcanti 2003 Dermatology Uraemic pruritus Dialysis for more than 6 months, moderate to severe pruritus, absence of other causes for pruritus Haemodialysis centres, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil Mixed None stated U
A10 Chapman 1999 Neurology Brain injury Patients with mild traumatic brain injury University medical school in the USA Y External (government; foundation; hom pharm providing all meds) N
A11 de Lange de Klerk 1994 Respiratory infection URTI Children aged 1.5–10 years, with at least three upper respiratory tract infections in the past year or with two such episodes plus otitis media with effusion at the time of entry examination Paediatric outpatient department of university hospital, Amsterdam, Netherlands Mixed Dutch Ministry of Welfare, Cultural Affairs, and Public Health Y
A13 Fisher 2006 Dermatology Eczema Adults aged 18–65 years, of either sex, with planned treatment for dermatitis at the RLHH Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital (RLHH), London, UK Mixed None stated U
A14 Frass 2005 Surgery and anaesthesiology Sepsis Patients with severe sepsis Intensive Care Unit at a university hospital in Austria Y None stated U
A16 Gaucher 1994 Tropical disease Cholera Patients with cholera, in a state of dehydration requiring parenteral treatment University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru U None stated; several acknowledged, including employee of hom pharm company U
A18 Jacobs 1993 Gastroenterology Childhood diarrhoea Children aged 0.5–5 years, with history of acute diarrhoea Participants’ homes, Leon, Nicaragua Y Boiron Research Foundation, Norwood, Pennsylvania, USA, U
A19 Jacobs 1994 Gastroenterology Childhood diarrhoea Children with a history of acute diarrhoea Nicaragua Y External, including hom pharm that might have provided the remedies for the trial U
A20 Jacobs 2001 Ear, nose and throat Otitis media (acute) Patients with acute otitis media Children’s clinic in the USA Y External (hom pharm—all remedies—research grant) N
A21 Jacobs 2000 Gastroenterology Childhood diarrhoea Children with a history of acute diarrhoea Nepal Y External (hom research foundation) U
A22 Jacobs 2005b Obstetrics and gynaecology Menopause post breast cancer Women with history of carcinoma or stage I–III breast cancer who had completed all surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment and who averaged at least three hot flushes per day for previous month Private medical clinic, Seattle, USA U External (charity); meds donated by hom pharm N
A23 Jacobs 2005a Mental disorder ADHD Children, aged 6–12 years, meeting DSM-IV criteria for ADHD Private homeopathic clinic in Seattle, USA U External (government); meds donated by hom pharm N
A24 Jansen 1992 Gastroenterology Proctocolitis Active proctocolitis (proven by endoscopy and histology) Outpatient dept, Maria Hospital, Tilburg, Netherlands Y None stated U
A25 Kainz 1996 Dermatology Warts Children aged 6–12 years, with common warts on the back of hands Department of Dermatology, University of Graz, Austria Mixed Firma Spagyra, Groding, Austria: ‘kindly provided’ homeopathic medicines and placebos. Otherwise, none stated N
A26 Katz 2005 Mental disorder Depression Adults, aged 18–80 years, of either sex, suffering from major depressive episode of moderate severity as defined by DSM-IV Lower Clapton group practice, east London, UK U Homeopathic Research Committee; Blackie Foundation Trust. Verum and placebo homeopathic medicines donated by Laboratoires Boiron N
A30 Naudé 2010 Mental disorder Insomnia Insomnia sufferers (identified through local advertising) South Africa Mixed None stated U
A31 Rastogi (a) 1999 Immune disorder HIV Adults aged 18–50 years, of either sex, with positive antibody reaction to HIV-1 or HIV-2 or both confirmed by repeat ELISA and/or Western blot Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Mumbai, India Mixed None stated U
A31 Rastogi (b) 1999 Immune disorder HIV Adults aged 18–50 years, of either sex, with positive antibody reaction to HIV-1 or HIV-2 or both confirmed by repeat ELISA and/or Western blot Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Mumbai, India Mixed None stated U
A32 Sajedi 2008 Neurology Cerebral palsy Children aged 1–5 years, with mild to moderate spasm due to cerebral palsy Saba Clinic (Developmental Disorder Center), Tehran, Iran U Internal U
A33 Siebenwirth 2009 Dermatology Eczema Adults aged 18–35 years with at least a 1-year history of atopic dermatitis (>20% of skin surface) Klinik und poliklinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie am Biederstein, Munich, Germany Mixed The study medications gifted by Deutsche Homöopathie-Union (DHU). Funded by Karl und Veronica Carstens-Stiftung N
A34 Steinsbekk 2005 Respiratory infection URTI Children, under 10 years old, who had been to a medical doctor for URTI In children’s own homes, recruited mainly from those previously diagnosed with URTI when attending a hospital casualty department Y External: Norwegian Research Council. Homeoden Belgium made the medicines U
A35 Straumsheim 2000 Neurology Migraine Adults aged 18–65 years, of either sex, diagnosed according to International Headache Society classification criteria Arena Medisinske Senter, Oslo, Norway Mixed DCG Farmaceutia (Gotenborg): supplied all homeopathic medicines. Norwegian Research Council N
A36 Thompson 2005 Obstetrics and gynaecology Menopause post breast cancer Women who attended oncology centre for breast cancer, did not have metastatic disease, were not on any other treatment and experiencing more than three hot flushes per day Outpatient department of an NHS homeopathic hospital, UK Y External (charity; hom pharm—‘provided’ all remedies, presumably via hospital pharmacy dept) U
A37 Walach 1997 Neurology Headache Patients diagnosed according to the International Headache Society classification criteria Germany Mixed Homeoden (Gent) and Gudjons (Augsburg): supplied homeopathic medicines U
A38 Weatherley-Jones 2004 Mental disorder Chronic fatigue syndrome Adults with chronic fatigue Two outpatient departments in UK U External (charity) Y
A39 White 2003 Allergy and asthma Childhood asthma Children, aged 5–15 years, with diagnosis of asthma and prescription for beta agonist and/or corticosteroid inhaler issued within previous 3 months Five general practices in market towns in Somerset, UK U External, including hom pharm that provided all remedies N
A40 Whitmarsh 1997 Neurology Migraine Adults aged 18–60 years, of either sex, with definite diagnosis of migraine by pre-defined criteria Princess Margaret Migraine Clinic, Charing Cross Hospital, London, UK Y Nelsons Ltd; Homeopathic Medical Research Council; Blackie Foundation Trust U
A41 Yakir 2001 Obstetrics and gynaecology Premenstrual syndrome Women aged 20–50 years, with diagnosis of PMS according to pre-defined criteria; symptomatology corresponding to one of five homeopathic medicines Gynaecology outpatient clinic, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel Y Dolisos Laboratories; Deutsche Homeopathie Union; named individuals N

The complete bibliographic details for the studies included are found in Additional file 4. Y yes, U unclear, N no, RA rheumatoid arthritis, URTI upper respiratory tract infection. aVested interest: support (direct, through research sponsorship; indirect, via gifted medicines) from a company that provided homeopathic medicines for the trial.