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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: JAMA Neurol. 2015 Feb 1;72(2):201–208. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2014.2950

Table II.

Baseline and follow-up clinical markers in a group comparison between Type 1 GD patients, carriers and controls.

Type 1 GD patients (n=30) Heterozygous GBA mutation carriers (n=28) Controls (n=26) P (between)b
P1 P2 P3

UPSIT Baseline 32·57 (0·96) 31·11 (0·93) 35·32 (0·40)
Follow-up 31·21 (0·98) 30·22 (1·10) 33·95 (0·62) ·003c ·001c ·52
P (within)a ·03 ·29 ·13
UMSARS Baseline 0·40 (0·15) 0·37 (0·15) 0·08 (0·06)
Follow-up 0·63 (0·16) 0·53 (0·16) 0·13 (0·07) ·004c ·02c 1·00
P (within)a ·11 ·59 ·32
RBDQ Baseline 0·93 (0·31) 0·10 (0·10) 0·25 (0·14)
Follow-up 2·93 (0·55) 2·30 (0·40) 1·08 (0·30) ·04 1·00 ·23
P (within)a <·001c <·001c ·07
MMSE Baseline 29·23 (0·17) 29·23 (0·18) 29·28 (0·16)
Follow-up 28·40 (0·48) 28·63 (0·32) 29·50 (0·21) ·01c ·03c 1·00
P (within)a ·08 ·05 ·30
MoCA Baseline 25·93 (0·53) 25·55 (0·58) 27·32 (0·23)
Follow-up 26·33 (0·75) 26·21 (0·57) 27·73 (0·26) ·001c ·001c 1·00
P (within)a ·07 ·38 ·20
UPDRS II Baseline 1·45 (0·82) 0·33 (0·21) 0·00 (0·00)
Follow-up 2.72 (0·66) 1·33 (0·30) 0·58 (0·19) <·003c 1·00 ·009c
P (within)a ·003c <·001c ·006c
UPDRS III Baseline 4·29 (1·45) 1·97 (0·65) 0·21 (0·17)
Follow-up 7·82 (1·91) 4·50 (0·75) 0·92 (0·37) <·001c ·04 ·006c
P (within)a <·001c <·001c ·06
BDI Baseline 2·68 (1·78) 0·65 (0·41) 0·33 (0·33)
Follow-up 5·84 (1·14) 2·88 (0·68) 0·58 (0·43) ·04 1·00 ·03c
P (within)a ·04 ·01c ·11

Abbreviations: UPSIT Smell Identification Test, UMSARS Unified Multiple System Atrophy Rating Scale, MoCA Montreal Cognitive assessment, MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination, RBDQ Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behaviour Disorder Questionnaire, UPDRS Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale, BDI Becks Depression Inventory.

Results are presented as mean and SEM. Significance was taken at the 5% level for all variables. Only values which survived multiple comparisons with the FDR procedure were denoted significant.

Reported P values compare the mean values for clinical markers within groups (baseline and follow-up) and between groups (Type 1 GD, carriers and controls) at follow-up.


Controls versus Type 1 GD patients.


Controls versus heterozygote GBA mutation carriers.


Type 1 GD patients versus heterozygote GBA mutation carriers.


Paired t-test.


Two-way ANCOVA with Bonferroni correction.


Statistically significant difference.