A and B, muscles were electroporated either 2 days before (A) or 7 days (B) after denervation. 14 days later, cryosections were preformed and the cross sectional area of electroporated fibers was measured. Frequency histograms show the distribution of cross-sectional areas of muscle fibers of TA either innervated or 15 days denervated and electroporated with shHDAC6-GFP or control shRNA. As a control an shRNA against the luciferase was used. The median cross sectional area value is indicated for each condition. n = 5 mice for each condition. The asterisks indicate statistically significant changes at p < 0.05 (1 asterisk), calculated by Mann-Whitney's U test. den: 14 days denervated muscle; inn: innervated muscle. C, histogram shows the median values of the cross-sectional areas of TA fibers, electroporated with two different HDAC6 shRNA expressing vector (V1 and V2). D, Western blot showing the efficiency of V1 and V2 HDAC6 shRNA to reduce HDAC6 levels in C2C12. The experiment was repeated 3 times. One representative experiment is shown. E, quantification of panel D by Image J software. HDAC6 levels were normalized to tubulin levels.