Height, weight, BMI |
Ideal BMI < 25 kg/m2, overweight 25–30 kg/m2, obese
> 30 kg/m2
Waist circumference |
Men < 102 cm; women < 88 cm. South Asians and
Chinese: men < 90 cm and women < 80 cm |
Electrolytes |
Low potassium may indicate primary aldosteronism, or
effects of diuretics |
S in V1 plus R in V5 or V6 > 35 mm or R in aVL > 11 mm
or Cornel product (R in aVL + S in V3 + 6 in females) × QRS duration
> 2 440 (mm/ms) |
Echocardiogram (if indicated and facilities
available) |
LVH: men > 115 g/m2 and women > 95 g/m2
Fasting glucose |
Consider HBA1c or GTT if impaired fasting glucose
(6.1–7.1 mmol/l) |
Cholesterol |
If total cholesterol > 5.1 mmol/l – fasting
lipogram |
Creatinine |
Calculate eGFR |
Uric acid |
High uric acid is relative contraindication to
diuretics |
Dipsticks urine |
If abnormal, urine microscopy and protein
estimation |