Figure 1. ESCRT-0 and -II are not required for dendrite pruning in the PNS.
(a) The class IV dendritic arborizing neuron ddaC is located on the dorsal body wall in each larval segment (box, inset) and elaborates extensive peripheral neurites on epidermal cells. (b) At 0 h after puparium formation (APF) the proximal branches are intact. (b′) At 10 h APF proximal branches are remodeling, some have undergone severing (arrowhead) whilst others have started to thin (arrow). (b″) By 18 h APF most detached dendritic branches have been cleared, the cell body and axon (arrow) remain intact. (c) Results from the screen with the percentage of neurons with; no phenotype (white), clearance defects (gray) and severing defects (black) for each RNAi line tested, with the number of neurons imaged above each column. ND = not determined. (d–g) Results from the RNAi screen showing representative images of a ddaC neuron at 18 h APF expressing RNAi against ESCRT-0 (Hrs), and ESCRT-II (Vps22, Vps25, Vps36). For all RNAi tested n = 6 or >6. (h–k) Single-cell ddaC modified MARCM clones at 18 h APF of HrsD28 (n = 9), HrsD28-Stam2L-2896 (n = 5), Vps22SS6 (n = 10), and Vps25A3 (n = 10) removed their dendrites as in wild-type. Nucleus reporter red stinger in magenta. Scale bar = 50 μm.