A. Growth of WT L. m., L.m. mut6-prfA and ΔprfA bacteria in LB-MOPS-G1P medium. B. PlcA activity in the supernatants of WT L.m., L.m. mut6-prfA, ΔprfA and ΔplcA mutants measured using a PI-PLC phospholipase activity assay. Bacteria were grown in LB-MOPS-G1P medium and supernatants were harvested at mid-exponential growth. Results are average of 3 independent biological repeats. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. C. Analysis of LLO activity in the supernatants of WT L.m., L.m. mut6-prfA, ΔprfA and Δhly mutants using hemolysis assay in red blood cells. Bacteria were grown in LB-MOPS-G1P medium and supernatants were harvested at mid-exponential growth.