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. 2014 Oct 9;5(2):161–172. doi: 10.5598/imafungus.2014.05.02.01

Table 3.

Phenotypic characteristics of Phialosimplex spp. [data for P. caninus, P. chlamydosporus, and P. sclerotialis from Sigler et al. (2010), for Phialosimplex sp. by Ravindran et al. (2012).] *Description of the synonymous taxa Scopulariopsis halophilica and Oospora halophila included; lack of data in the compiled descriptions indicated as “n/a”.

Taxon Phialides lenght [μm] Conidia in heads presence Chlamydospores presence Sclerotia presence Growth at 35°C Conidial length [μm] Conidial width [μm] Conidial shape Soluble pigment presence Habitat and associations Halotolerance
P. caninus 4.5–16 + + 2.2–4.0 1.8–3.7 subglobose + Bone marrow aspirate, Canidae-associated (Canis lupus familiaris – zoopathogenous) n/a
P. chlamydosporus 3–14 + + + 2.3–5.8 1.7–3.0 ovoid, pyriform + Canidae-associated (Canis lupus familiaris – zoopathogenous) n/a
B. halophila* 3–20 n/a n/a 3.5–9.0 3.5–8.0 spherical, pyriform, subglobose, ovoid Phaeophyta-associated (Undaria pinatifida) halophilic
P. salinarum 1.5–8.7 + + 2.8–4.0 2.8–4.0 mainly globose, subglobose Water in salt mine halophilic
P. sclerotialis 5–15 + + 3.0–4.5 1.5–2.0 ovoid, with truncate base Poaceae-associated (Lolium perenne – as fodder) n/a
P. sp. n/a n/a + n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Deep sea water halophilic